
Shameless chair thief
I dare you not to smile
Kitty's first catnip.  Good results.  (NSFW language)
Picked this guy up from the pound yesterday.
Reddit, I'd like you to meet our Sphynx. She's beautiful, no matter what they say.
My Cat, Nidalee
It's my reddit birthday, so in keeping with tradidion, here's a picture of my dog,
In the spirit of Christmas
Blue eye Kitty!
His owner is in Vietnam for 3 weeks, poor guy is so depressed :(
My favorite things
She's in her element.
Look how TALL I can standz.
It's OK, buddy, I'll keeps you warmz.
I can haz bacon?
Look. I got no feetz.
Human is now trained. Meet Todd, the Norwegian Forest Cat.
Taken 12 years apart, good bye old friend.
Here's my girlfriend laying with one of our week old husky pups. (NSFW cleavage)
Even though she's been through ear and leg surgery, she still purrs as if nothing
Noticed something odd while holding my dog up in the air...
World, meet Dexter. My parents 9 week old Golden pup. Adorable seems to be the right
He's not a serial killer, but a "cereal killer"
The best pillow in the world
My puppy makes good use of a Saturday morning.
She could stay out there all day.
He's 14, deaf, going blind, has a bad underbite, can't jump in the car anymore, and
rest yer head here
Captive audience.
Meet <blank> and <blank>, Picked them up from the shelter
Just a baby rabbit in a baby bicycle
My newborn son, sleeping peacefully :)
He gets depressed when he can't turn corners well.
First vet trips? Here's Odin's first trip.
I fell in love with cats after I took this picture
His favorite food: daisies
Sorry for the potato quality picture. My dog, December just got this leg removed
Reddit in a nutshell
This is Kara - she was even softer than she looks
Three strays(mother + two kittens) wandered up in my parent's yard.
My friend used makeup to make her dog look like a fox. Fooled me!
He woke up like this
just take this
Good morning, imgur! Here's a husky
So pretty...
Apparently sticking your head between the couch cushions and putting your feet straight
"If it fits, I sits"
Was going to return this cat bed as the cat won't use it, but then I saw this...
Spent 10 minutes looking for cat before I went to bed, found him asleep in a wok
Puppy See-Saw
It’s his favorite movie
Nope, totally not trying to sneak up on you
A cute little bunny
Adorable Golden Retrievers Touching Noses
When she gets told that her adoption went through
Pierre dressed as a stripper for Halloween.
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So I was out walking my mini cow when Howie Mandel stopped for a picture...