
F/21/5'8" [154 > 128 = 26 lbs lost] (8 months) CICO, weightlifting, and
F/23/5'5 [255>185=-70lbs] keto in begining now cico (nsfw)
NSFW. 5 months progress following CICO and weight lifting. Finally starting to feel
F/26/5'6/[180>133=47 lbs]one year progress. CICO, cardio and weights
F/30/5'6 [225 > 158 = 67lbs] (12 months) After one year of CICO I compared
F/24/5’3 [175lb>118lb=57lb] (15 months) CICO, mostly 1200 and a lot of walking.
M/35/6'0" [258.4lbs>203.0lbs=55.4lbs] 7 months, lots of CICO and lower
F/28/5'5" [165lbs > 130lbs = -35lbs] 10 Months IF and occasionally lazy
F/37/5'4" [167.4 lbs > 138.6 lbs =28.8 lbs] After 90 days at it I am
F/39/5’4” [247lbs>149lbs=98lb] two beach vacations, 3 years apart. Started
F/26/5’4’’ [158-117=41 lb]. Don’t let the fitness industry convince you that
F/26/5’4 [140 > 113 = 27lbs] 1 year, complete lifestyle change inspired
F/27/5'6 [148>135=13lbs] 8 weeks of IF and strict CICO thanks to MFP and FitBit
F/22/5'7 [156>140=16 pounds](2.5 months) CICO is my new bff
F/31/5’6” [182 > 139 = 43lbs] 11 months. Slow and steady CICO. goal weight
M/37/5'11 [306 > 211 = 95lbs] I hadn't been under 230lbs since 1997 and have
F/30/5'7" [154 > 143.6 = 10.4 lbs] (10 weeks) With a combo of CICO, strength
F/30/5'6" [120 lbs > 161lbs > 134 lbs = 14 lbs] pre-pregnancy
F/26/5’5 [160 > 123 = 37 lbs lost] Actually don’t hate the way I look
F/21/5"3 [165 > 140 = 25 lbs] CiCo, I joined a volleyball team, and started
M/30/5'9" [210lbs > 160lbs = 50lbs] Weight loss progress. 16/8, CICO
F/23/5’4 [155 > 140 = -15 pounds] (3 months) still have 10 pounds to go
F/24/5'3 [168.8lbs > 148.8lbs = -20lbs] highest weight was 174lbs. CICO, pilates,
M/21/168cm [159 lbs > ?? = ??] CICO on the first 4 months, CICO + IF on the
F/33/5'6.5" [196 - 148 = 48lbs] Four years. IF, CICO, and walking. Quarantine
Progress through just CICO!
F/23/5'7 [158>143lbs=15lbs] CICO + IF is slowly changing my life! Feeling
F/35/5’0” [150 > 145 = 5] 3 weeks of CICO/IF/10-15k steps a day.
With a weight program, heavy cardio, and only CICO - I am officially in the best
Not a huge difference yet, but I am 6 weeks sober (alcohol) and doing cico for a
CICO on and off since May. IF and Keto since August. SW 114kg/102kg. CW 94kg. GW
F/30/5’3” [199 > 181 = 18lbs lost] while I was furloughed the second time
[25/F 5’9” 185 > 152] I was taking photos to sell a beanie today and realized
F/28/5'00" [200lb > 182lb = -18lb] Too ever weight is about 220. I started
Believe it or not, this is only a loss of 15 pounds. Intermittent fasting, CICO,
M/29/162cm [101kg > 70.5kg = 30.5kg] Hit the 30kg down milestone today. Got
M/34/5'10/178cm[419LBS/190Kg > 304LBS/138Kg = 115LBS/52Kg] (Six months) CICO/IF/Exercise,
F/24/5’4” [183lbs > 156lbs = 27 lbs lost] (less than 12 weeks) Pictured
195lbs down to 173lbs! I think this is about an 8 month difference? Going slow is
F/29/5'4" [173.4lbs > 146.4lbs= 27 lbs] (12 months) CICO I hope to lose
45 Day Celebration of Life - 27F 5’8 SW: 203 CW: 187 GW: 160 23:1/OMAD/CICO.
Didn't really counted calories. Just ate less what i usual eat. And played soccer
50lbs down since July 2020! Yay!! NSFW
F/31/5'7" [215ish? > 187 = 28lbs] 3.5 months of CICO + Gym 5-6x per week.
M/39/5’10” 265lbs. > 240lbs. The coolest comparison I’ve done yet. I
F/29/5'9" [237lbs > 217lbs = 20lbs] Weight loss progress. Not your typical
60lbs down, 0 to go! I hit goal : ) F/5'4/185<125