
&this is what I do all day when depression kicks in ;/
[F]eeling depressed, someone come cheer me up.
in the throws o[f] depression...help me rebuild some self esteem? (more in comments)
Ok, I debated a long time over posting a face pic... I have horrible social anxiety
I'm bored & depressed tonight, please cheer (m)e up
I am severely depressed and live in a shitty studio apartment working at a minimum
My work has the world's most depressing bathroom [f]
First Time posting Post Depression.
Maroon is so depressing for the beach - NSFW
When I was depressed I somehow managed to create a sculpture to outwardly express
Feeling pretty depressed...pm's to cheer me up
20 y/o with esteem issues and bipolar depression. Not asking for empathy, just honesty
I made a doodle about when I get depressed. (I made Daddy a rock cuz he's my rock!)
A most depressing set of options.
Feel free to delete, but can someone tell me if something's wrong with my face? I
finally horny again after a few weeks of depression and low sex drive
most depressing way to go
Mondays are so depressing...
A different kind of progress pic. 10 years of smoking and depression that lead to
Call it Valentine's day depression I guess.
45/6'/195 Was 210 with no tone 1 year ago, got down to 175 for the first time in
M29 - going through a lot of body issues and depression for a long time. Medication
(20) Short term cure for depression? [M]asturbation.
This photo is kinda funny because I’m not looking at the camera. I’m probably
She wrote a post about her depression
34F/5'10''/187 lbs/ Four kids and years of depression later, this is me. I wish I
I’ve been hating my body a lot recently. Fuck seasonal depression
Been feeling depressed, trying on some lingerie definitely helps
[MF] She couldn't handle anal, i've never been more depressed
Ironman training has kept my depression at bay! 35 M 88Kg
Got depressed and deleted all my posts... but I'm back!
21, M, 168 lbs, 6'1". Started working out a year ago after getting out of shape
hi I’m depressed, here’s my titties. (F)
Just broke up with my Boyfriend and I feel totally Depressed. Anyone help me out?
On my fifth day of bodyweight workout in a row and I'm almost at one ab! Depression
My elderly neighbor and I swapped so he could do yardwork, but he got struck by lightning!
[M21 5'11" 180lbs] Art student, lacrosse player, pretty depressed lately. Medicine
Need someone to suck the depression out ?
Good morning! Hoping these brighten up another depressing news day ? [OC]
Good morning! Hoping these brighten up another depressing news day ? [OC]
Good morning! Hoping these brighten up another depressing news day ? [OC]
There is no such thing as unskilled labor, it is a fake idea used to depress your
Just climbed out if my latest bout of depression and starting to feel good!
Recently lost my day job due to covid related budget cuts. Half depressed/half ready
34M, 120+kg last time i weighted myself. I wasn't always like this, but i left my
Trying to get out of my rut of depression by going to the gym.
M/26/5’9[130>145=15lbs gained] From depressed and fairly heavy drug use
Old pic b/c I am feeling too down to take one that better shows the extent of the