
Kind of depressed today. Cheer [m]e up? Trees have helped thus far... [ALBUM]
Going through a bout of depression, here's me from a burst of happiness the other
Sorry I've been gone guys just been a little depressed lately well here's the first
I think my girlfriend is cheating on me. I feel lonely and depressed and ladies out
I successfully cheered up my depressed friend with the help of Dumbledore. Best series
[f] bored and depressed this is the result
(F)elt rejected and depressed earlier, but you guys made me feel more than better!
(F)eeling generous on this rainy depressing day
I haven't been able to gain a pound in 12 years, sometimes it really depresses me
A beautiful, new lady ent and some trees have been inspiring me to draw and paint
end my depression! please have pics of "naughtycurls"
The last bit is always so depressing
How depression feels to me (with sharpie and crayons)
Lets get rid of the depression around here!
23F lost almost 80lbs in a long health and depression battle trying to learn to love
im not as depressed as i look [f]
The great depression
The most depressing line from Earthlings.
Izzy Mendosa in "Sexy German Secretary Izzy Mendosa Consoles Depressed Employee
22M, 185cm, 120kg - Man boobs and fat. Lost a lot of weight(25kg) thanks to depression
22M/5'10"/140LBS - I beat another round of depression recently! I'd really like
When I start to feel stressed... depressed... and oppressed... it's moments like
[M/S] Sure cure for depression
(M/23/155lbs/5’9”) Back in the gym after some post-move depression.
Christina Hendricks gigantic tits can cure depression
Fun fact: I got more karma in 3 days with this experiment than 5 years on my reddit
Recently single and depressed as fuck. Come fuck me better. I’m in Idaho.
M33 6ft 200ish more natural lighting. Super lonely lately. Depression keeps the keys
25M 5’6 110 pounds. Lost all the weight I gained this year, and am underweight
22F Feeling really depressed, want to cum over and make me feel better?
M/27, 322 lbs, 5'11" I've struggled with my weight for years. It's one of the
Sometimes you're so depressed you don't even want to leave the house. That's when
SexFact #3: In the composition of sperm there is a substance that can help in the
I’m a little depressed right now. Fill my inbox with anything you want and I’ll
manic depressive dream girl...er i mean manic pixie [oc]
quarantine is making me depressed
Thanks, I hate depressed Sonic
Not feeling myself right now.. How are you dealing with the seasonal depression blues?
[M] No one posted a pic today, so figured I would. After all, a pic a day keeps depression
Snapping some selfies while dinner was cooking, almost didnt post this cos i was
As soon as Brittany sat in the car we knew something was up. She ended it with her
Had my wallet stolen, had to move my kids, and take out a loan because of it so if