
He's cute and has a nice dick.
The only way to make lite beer tolerable.
Don't worry, the upper part of the butt crack is censored.
Stepped on a Lego.
To the person/people who keep reporting me, grow a pair. :)
Jesus Christ, clean your fucking car.
Eye Blech (parasite)
Do you prefer to eat your humans skinned or un-skinned?
It's good to know a few recipes.
Car accident.
Bound and pinned.
Blister under the toenail
Cut my life into pieces!!
Filipino Kid Scalped by Corn Grinding Machine
Hi there guys :)
The hell is this
Jesus christ people hate their fucking penis
Foot of parasitic twin found in brain.
An ISIS prisoner, unceremoniously given the tank tread after not cooperating with
Round 2, and I have a feeling someone’s not gonna make it to round 3.....
Guys... I think he got stabbed...
The porn scene was so violent that the blood vessels in her eyes burst. Quotes from
I dont even know what to title this shit
Guy with maggots in his brain
Cunt son chops up his own mother after she finds out he's sexually abusing his own
Russian man found frozen with his face eaten off by wild animals
Death by grenade
Electrical burns
Suicide by hydrochloric acid
Incinerated Iraqi soldier, 1991
A girl whose lip has been bitten off
Autoerotic death
Two Young Men Chopped up by Rival Cartel in Mexico
Cock and Ball Torture, also known as CBT, is a sexual activity involving application
Young Woman Dies After Fall from Building
Prisoner of the Andersonville POW camp, which existed during the American Civil War,
Skinned Bear Head
Paramedics begin working on a burn victim; the victim later died
Stop fingering around
When the alien egg is about to hatch...
peeling a potato w/ fire ^.^
Poor froggo
A Chinese patient with a severe case of Basal Cell Carinoma
Parents' dog was attacked by another while out for a walk last night, had to be put
I was in a rollover accident in 2014. This is what happened to my arm. Drive safe,
Heads of Inmates after Prison Riot
Man stabbed to death after trying to resist a robber
Chinese guy gets his dick sliced off
BIRTHday cake
Woman murdered and dismembered by her own son in Brazil
Murder-suicide in Brazil
Camel removal service