
Washing your hands helps to prevent illnesses.
When you're trying to pick your teeth but you roll a one.
When you lock eyes with someone.
I just want all of you to know you're super sexy. Like, really hot.
Your arm seems off, and your knee is only a little better.
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
I don't know what happened. The wounds are lined up. What do you think?
I think he just needs to charge it.
Tried to pick up a Lego.
I love myself some good old spaghetti ?
Finger lickin' good.
Heads will roll.
Do not bring your penis to work day.
You'll poke your eye out.
Before and after.
Scrotal Lymphoedema.
When the pizza rolls are done
Furry Convention Aftermath
Anybody want some PEZ?
Just because we had the whale post a few days ago.......at least that I think happened
I know, it should be in the bull always wins or something, but I’m bringing it
Penis transformation into a vagina gone wrong
Death by 1000 cuts
Prositute murdered by serial killer
Skydiver suicide
Large tongue lipoma
poop hammock number 2
poop hammock #3
Santa's autoerotic death
Guy gets his finger ripped off by an electric toilet snake
Suicide by shotgun.
Just a little eye injury
Tortured and Murdered Guys in Mexico One Man with Face Skinned
I have so many questions
August 2020 in Rodrigues Alves (Caxias, Brazil), a young man was shot in his eyes
Aftermath of a cop taking a soldier's shotgun to headshot a man point-blank for protesting
A higher quality photo of Kevin Ware’s injury
Roadkill Twine
Impaled on a fence
Extensive injuries caused by an IED
Why Would You Do This To My Heart?
Monkey time
Mummified body of the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham
I made this years ago for some reason
Wikipedia app has no chill
My buddy hurt his leg :C
Playing with a severed head in South Africa