
mfw I'm a straight male and I found this subreddit
MFW all my purchases this month
MFW Le Frontpage Material, M'Ladies
MFW i gettted upronerd
mfw a monitor goes faulty again when it already took months to get a replacement
mfw you don't upron le beans
MFW I left a drop of water in my tank on accident after cleaning it and hit it.
mfw i become new bj modulator
MFW I've had a good month at work.
MFW "u r so meaaan blargy"
MFW I added 5kg/10lbs to my deadlift max in a week but forgot to film myself.
MFW I've had it coming out both ends all night, after an awesome Christmas Day.
MFW I come back to BJ and this isn't the top post of all time
Mfw my ama doesn't git stickied
mfw i just bet gaping vagdragun
mfw defeating bludbourne ultimatum boss
mfw I get a job
MFW Seven days
MFW when I go to the main sub
mfw vechz wins uhc
mfw im a c9 fan and watching game 1 of c9 vs secret
MFW I catch up with the weekend drama from /r/gaybros, /r/askgaybros and /r/gaybroscirclejerk
MFW I'm the only one who likes Bretons at /r/teslore
mfw I'm fourth place in the bone karma contest
MFW I ship a .10ยข rebuy
Mfw that reveal!
MFW in an intense state of self-loathing.
MFW injured and bored and not enough shitposts in Weakpots
MFW a player hits a PAPA SLAM and the broadcasters call it a 'grand' slam.
MFW I see Starlight Glimmer in the New Promo.
mfw i realize my country is dying before my eyes
MFW I play scout in mvm xDD
mfw I'm scheming up some dank memes
MFW no dorito hair for two weeks
mfw 1.17 million pussy hats (knitted by Hillary supporters all across America) failed
Mfw I get [f]ree rejects from work! XD
MFW my four day weekend starts now
mfw a Falangist implies the 'red terror' was a bad thing
MFW I have to get dressed up and go out to do big girl things... when all I really
MFW I'm exposed as a giant profiteering phony.
MFW waiting for the BTC to rise in time to make it for the vendor's 2PM cutoff
mfw scrolling through my imgur
MFW we don't do handgun training for another 2 weeks
MFW someone's about to come into my station
MFW When people say to me that Soraka has a dick
MFW I'm at firearms training and it's a literal mudpit from the rain.
MFW a straight masc top walks into the room
MFW I get home from a long day of work, turn on Ice's stream to relax and see him
MFW I read your comments on my pics
MFW Admiring My Own Tits
MFW my dick WAS away. It was in a BOX!
Mfw you've filled me with cum ?? Who wants to fill me first? ?
mfw I visited this sub
Mfw my old rich husband dies unexpectedly ??