
These were right next to each other on my front page [NSFW Language]
The picture at the bottom of this article seemed oddly fitting
Hotmail Captcha
This bolt is exactly the right tool for spinning this toy. They just happened to
Maybe I need to get my mind out of the gutter, but I feel like my toothpaste looked
Found this in the Pornhub AMA thread about porn searches per state. [NSFW]?
This porn actress is wearing a hearing-aid. (NSFW)
Someone out there has used a dime bag for it's intended purpose.
Drove through a puddle and the water formed ice spikes on my tires
This has been in my kitchen for 2 years, just noticed. Might just be my immature
My coffee powder started looking like a vagina, possibly NSFW
Popped my first double cherry
Found this when I searched 90°C
The front page right now, all jennifer lawrence, all /r/celebs and all nsfw.
Deceit and Lies.
[NSFW] This dildo uses the Disney 'D'
Found a pookie in my motel room
Hiking through the woods and I stumbled upon a pile of old boobs [NSFW?]
This sex worker looks like she's holding a lightsaber (minor NSFW)
My dryer exhaust made a dildo as well.
This piece of bacon is shaped like a dick and balls.
If a naked selfie can spark this level of intellectual discussion, maybe there's
The freezer at my job makes ice dildos
There's an apple on this apple
Seems there is a van rental company with crazy paint jobs. Passed by one today. Mildly
Found a piece of squirrel tail in my fence [NSFL] :/
Crabs are every where ..!!!
My chicken tender looks like something
The Internet has ruined me
Panty vending machine in m y hometown of Tokyo [nsfw]
This Mexican pastry looks strikingly like a vagina.
Saw this my local game retail shop on the way out.
This jalapeno looks like a vagina.
[NSFW] Bar Urinal: Hard Mode
Funny-looking orange
Suspicious Happy Birthday Nylabone. We have a party favorite folks!
(NSFW) After an intense raiding night. Batman appeared!
Hockey puck split my fingertip into three pieces, and now it looks like a penis (NSFW...?)
Low temperatures caused ice 'stalagmites' to form in front of a local cave.
Model of the head of a Japanese soldier mounted on a tank in the famous photo next
These 3 whitetail deer found intertwined in a creek.
I also saw some boobs!
This banner ad on PornHub that acts as an escape route if caught browsing PornHub.
This functional model for an artificial urethral sphincter. It uses a small pump
NSFW We caught two sets of rats, at the same time.
This highly suggestive instruction sheet for skee ball
Lol boys dolls more anatomically correct then Ken dolls (nsfw)
My shoes match the carpet
[NSFW] Pictures of my gallbladder shortly after removal. The black stuff is sludge,
Coffe stain on our table this morning
(possibly NSFW?) The first joint on my fingers bend backwards
Stumbled upon this classy auction when perusing toy dumpsters on eBay
Ronnie Coleman's butt looks kind of like a walrus's face.
The way my frozen water melted throughout the day
Nude, headless, armless, statue riding a fish.