
Chimp eviscerating and devouring a smaller primate.
Frog succumbs to a giant centipede.
Blood drinking butterfly.
Found this while out walking... Hang in there. NSFW
Bullfrog swallowing a smaller bullfrog whole and alive.
Sea star wasting syndrome causes the afflicted's limbs to slowly tear away from the
Giraffe that broke its neck 5 years ago
Rough looking lion
Polar bear ganks seal
Take this yo b*tch
Snapper lunges at camera
Wildebeest refuses to let his friend die
Giant weta chewing on a woman's finger.
Elephant rolls a car with relative ease.
Wolverine eating.
Assassin bug treads too close to an ogre spider.
The crown of thorns starfish are covered in venomous spines and devastate the coral
Feeding frenzy
Typical reaction in the wild
Saw a dog walking down the street with what I thought was a stick... turned out to
Raven getting a mouthful of snake, hunted right on the trail in Yosemite.
Wolf Eating Lunch
The sky is yours during the day, but the night belongs to the owls.
Hyena tries to steal leopard's warthog meal, mid-kill
Alligator feeding on boa constrictor
Turkey Vulture Enjoying Roadkill
Seagull noodles
Squirrel eats mouse
FATALITY: Hyena walking off with gazelle trophy [NSFW]
Lioness getting the meat off the bone
Box turtle decapitated a rat xpost r/natureisfuckinglit
Lioness giving zebra a post-mortem hug. [NSFW]
Dead sea lion shows its teeth (Rialto Beach, WA) (NSFW/NSFL)
Bloody Lion
Hippo armor
African wild dogs tear apart a carcass
This Vulture dripping with blood.
Just Out of Reach
E x p o s e d
Where no one can reach
Bloodied fight between two southern elephant seals
Bear squashes a bird that gets too close to its kill.
Disemboweled impala tries to fight back
King of the jungle is brutal AF
Mantis destroys a lizard
Whale found off the coast of Maine with bite marks from a great white shark
Huge black wolf.
Whats left of a baby deer on a hiking trail in Catalina
Timber wolves clash over a deer carcass
Horse steps on bird
Hyenas eat from a live wildebeest's back
An elk was crushed by a falling tree
A horse fell down a hill. top pic was 4 days ago. (nsfw)
Peregrine with a pigeon
Falcon feasting on a hare
Came across a half eaten cicada being eaten from the inside by a group of ants.