
Our dog found a rabbit
Brains, the original white meat
A cougar is chased away from its kill by a wolverine.
Huge gorilla cracks reinforced glass trying to attack onlookers.
Whale reminds sailors off the coast of South Africa who the sea belongs to.
Woke up to find this on the ABC news...living is Australia is so @#*%ed sometimes...
90 minute battle to take down a lone buffalo
Wild dingo eating stranded shark in Australia
Grizzly bear snatches a fish right out of the mouth of another grizzly
Hellgrammite and crawfish do battle
A lion attempts to take down an adult giraffe, gets tackled and stomped instead.
Dogs Take On Cobra (x-Post r/gifs)
Spiders don't need webs to get their kill
Mother elephant tries to kick her stillborn back to life.
TIL of Ayam Cemani - a breed of chicken that is black, has black meat and bones
Eagles fighting over territory
A mongoose showing a lioness who is boss.
Unfortunate Swan Landing
Cobra lands finishing strike on an attacking mongoose
Croc's tail is metal
Bald Eagle Clears Its Skies
Hungry Hyenas
Lion Having Some Brain Food
Sharing a Meal
Leopard Seal decapitates penguin
Bengal tiger dines on axis deer
Rabbit eaten by crows
A Light Snack
Tonkean macaque eats its mummified baby [NSFW]
Lioness licking at buffalo remains
Vulture tears into fresh kill
Seagull impaled at Manly Beach, Sydney (NSFW)
A Feast for Scavengers
Zebra Prime Rib
31.5 lbs Burmese Python regurgitating 35 lbs white-tail deer in Florida
Eagle is Enjoying to Eat Fish
Northern goshawk with an entire crow leg
Found this left on the parking lot wall
[OC] A leopard protecting her kill
Vulture standing on a decapitated head
A lion eating his prey
Spider catches and kills a snake.
Large bird remains stuck in tar-pit in Utah (OC) NSFW
Komodo Dragons feasting on the carcass of a Buffalo
Young bald eagle carrying what's left of a snow goose [NSFW]
Horse fetus
A lion removing the guts of a killed buffalo.
With the ice covering now gone, Clear Creek in Idaho Springs CO, shows off its trophies.
half-eaten impale trying to escape hyena
A fox made the unwise decision to try and raid a mother swan’s nest
NSFW Raccoon threesome
Baby deer carcus I saw while working. It was most likely attacked by a mountain lion.
Zebra gets face ripped off by crocodile
This whale's penis is pretty metal.