P L Maledoms

Another lady impressing us with her capabilities
Stepping on her face.
Pulling rank.
Take your pick.
We males have a very good concept of females. Getting our semen is a complete honor.
Their face is not useful only for holding semen
Because women enjoy sex as much as men right?
Female clothing is also meant to show off female esthetic atribution
Female class. Don't forget to revere her like a goddess if you meet her in real life.
She was looking foward to having sex with him, and she's finally happy to be having
Another first world woman. Thanks to her higher culture, and the higher culture of
Who says women don't like sex? To a woman, finding her man is actually more motivational
She seems to earn more money by selling her outer beauty than by selling her inner
Another intellectually superior feminist who haughtily demands respect and reverence
Beauty is a natural sign, a natural indication; and its meaning is pretty simple:
Women have 2 options: A) Living as inferior submissive beings with a man; B) Living
If she wants to be accepted by him.
Who says women don't help men with science? They always say it, 'for science', and
Giving her all the love she needs
Women are not qualified enough for getting authentic male attention and interest
If possible, women become yet more worthless as they become more used. You can notice
So yeah, women are free to be feminist and superior, but we are free to not be interested
Want that loving smile? Give her the valentine's day gift that keeps on giving. Show
You can see the liberation in her eyes.
she doesn't really need her Superior Man to respect her that much, cause she already
Can a doormat do this? No. Oh, and she's self-cleaning. She's worth the higher price
See, all feminists think about it, but only some of them decide they have some standard
When Men treated women like inferior beings forcibly and against women's will, feminism
Finish your treat.
A nice night in with the wife, the ol' ball and chain.
Modern liberated women recompense the shopping payer the same way ancient non-liberated
Part exercise equipment, part toy, part entertainment. All slut.
Ah, the great outdoors. It's time for summer sports and activities.
It's a good job, because she enjoys what she does.
Here you have another happy feminist. She's a women's studies teacher, so now she's
For my next trick, my lovely assistant will make my cock disappear with her hands
MD gender equality defenders: if you prefer Superior Men and you want to be accepted
She won't waste a drop.
Keep the curtains open. I'm going to show the world what a slut you really are.
The hours are long, and you often come home exhausted and sore, but your husband
MD feminists, remember that, in order to get accepted by a Superior Man and in order
So yes, the choosing of a superior Man is the universal ace every artificial gender
Another hypergamous artificial gender equality defender proving her superior Man
As nations become more developed, wealthier, more feminist and there is more professional
In order to impress inferior men to get money, quotas and offices from them, feminists
MD feminists: since your female gender is biologically inferior, then to admit your
So, in the past, women were mistreated by force and against their will. But, in the
So, if you walk to a woman you don't know and you ask her for sex, she'll consider
Authentic and full female sexuality can only be well understood with reference to
MD feminists: if you are not that pretty, try showing your inner beauty. Superior
So we continue our rigorous journey toward a more sexually liberated, less patriarchal,
Gents remember, consent is not enough; never award your women the infinite privilege
women know their inferiority is real, but they only go real for real, superior Men.
Now she's feminine too
It is happy because its Master is finally home
A superior Man doesn't need to pay for sex or force women into sex against women's
BDSM is just fantasy. The non-election of Hillary is just reality. Who knows, maybe
You'll hear no radical male supremacy-fighting feminist say she prefers for her or