P L Maledoms

Fast hole switching, from cunt to mouth. Vagina was only intended for pre-encouraging
Superior Men are only interested in inferior women that are simple fuck-meat objets
This feminist shows us the proof that demonstrates gender equality defenders don't
The only way she can get inferior men to ask her for her autograph
MD feminists remember: if you want to be accepted by superior Men, you have to behave
Honestly I like to see my posts cause bad subscribers to leave, cause I think some
I received a flattering offer at another subreddit. I turned it down because I'm
She never felt so humiliated, so degraded, so used. She couldn't even breathe. It
So it is not freedom if you only want it for choosing what is best for you, is it?
To a superior Man women simply are these pathetic worthless human-like cumdumps.
There is surgery for reconstructing a woman's hymen or anus; but there isn't surgery
Blame it on empowerment, the power to admit Male superiority and power
MD ladies: He is into it; therefore, you are into it.
In general, I agree that asking a woman about her feminist profile can be a really
women feel offended when inferior men treat them bad, but they feel happy and validated
This is the spirit that works with the superior Men feminists need and prefer
feminists take pleasure in being accepted by the superior Men that they need and
I don't know what would 1850s' feminists have thought if they knew that modern feminists
Since superior Men won't be interested in her for her inner virtues, she'll have
So, MD feminists, this subreddit doesn't make you reject feminism, but, on the contrary,
Holy moly, the "Men are Gods" feminist is hot; she has it all.
Another strong independent feminist using her capabilities to make money as a pay-per-use
she doesn't do it because she's inferior; she does it because she enjoys it (as much
Beautiful and eager to undergo abuse and pain to your fun and orgasm. But only if
Every woman wants to be considered a good, superior piece of inferior fuckmeat when
The more, the better and the more enthusiastically does a woman show and prove she
So women don't passively pay their inferiority to superior Men; every woman secretly
So MD feminists remember: the stupider you are, the more amusing and acceptable you
feminism tells women to disregard their inferiority that defines femininity in terms
Cause modern smart girls love anal. Just go visit /r/analgw and find out
I think her aspirations are too ambitious, but hey, who knows, maybe one day she
It doesn't matter if you're an inferior person and so you can only contribute humble
MD feminists: HIS pleasure is your only pleasure. You enjoy your pain cause it makes
Another feminist enjoying sex as much as men
feminism is a fantasy used to establish an artificial and political gender equality,
Bath fun
Now she's a more perfect woman, and so a more modern and smarter feminist (since
women give superior Men for free what inferior men have to beg for (or pay for)
In a relationship, either he is inferior or she is inferior, but they can't be both
So there are two kinds of toiletification: unwilling toiletification, which is a
Memorials to your family tree always dignify you and so make you more liked by a
"feminism is the radical notion that women are people". Even feminism admits
Another smart sex positive feminist being coerced by her own freedom into enjoying
"women never take the first step"... inferior men say
More feminism for you
If women were actually superior, they would not need to create a feminist movement
MD feminists: when you feel your self-esteem is a bit low, ask a superior Man to
Breaking the chains of Male oppression to put on the chains of female inferiority
Some feminists think I'm not a feminist, but I am. I think female inferiority needs
Exactly. This is why you need gender equality policies, just like other biological
Another whore who doesn't like being called a whore flaunting her female superiority,
First world feminists don't get the difference between rich countries' and poor countries'
When you are so inferior that you can't offer anything authentically important in
So this subreddit has helped feminists have a better and more abstract understanding
MD feminists: embrace your inferiority. Gender "inferiority/superiority"
women are inferior & worthless, but since female inferiority logically pursues
MD feminists: if you want to get paid 30% more wage, maybe you should be 30% more