
I was making a smoothie with raspberries when I saw an image I will see often this
Has this ever happened to anyone else? [NSFW]
Your brain on PMS.
Found out a dude is stalking me and looking through my windows at night. Yesterday
I've literally had no luck with my genitalia this weekend, so I decided 'fuck it'
Read this comment today. "I like. big. dicks and I cannot lie. You other brothers
[NSFW] Here's My Sex Spreadsheet
My jizz face when sexting vs my jizz face in real life
HIF exercising when I'm super jet lagged and tripping everywhere
mrw people on neopets tell me the item im auctioning isnt worth what im asking for
Possibly (NSFW). While I was texting a possible love interest, we got into a discussion
MRW I'm walking and a guy leans out his car window and yells "I'd fuck that!"
I managed to draw this on my own tshirt while drunk and at a pub crawl. One of my
NSFW As a 25-year old woman who has never had a vaginal orgasm and just acchieved
Ladies, want to talk about naughty things we read? Now there's a sub for that. :)
MRW my boyfriend says he made sheet cookies
It likes to play Peekaboo..
Thought you trolls would appreciate this. It was in the back of my closet when I
All right...which one of you is a lingerie model?
The only way I can get a photo with my SO is if he has no pants on..
FML all empty [NSFW]
This had nearly 90,000 likes on facebook referring to instagram. Fuck everything
I'm terrified of going to the lady doctor for the first time, and shaved too close
Well, trolls, after several poor attempts at dating, I know what my weekend plans
[semi-NSFW] ...and then I went ahead and masturbated since I already had coconut
MRW a guy I'm texting says "There's a theory about undisciplined children from
MRW my FWB tells me about his plans to get a tattoo on his dick.
MRW my douchebag ex rips out my heart then proceeds to tell me "There's plenty
MRW I see men complaining about the "last drop" after they pee like it's
Today I got my vagina waxed for my upcoming vaginismus surgery [NSFW?]
Thought my fellow trolls might get a kick out of my stress toy.
I cut myself when I shaved my fuzz. Am I the only one who does this ?
NSFW When I'm just starting pms, my SO seems so much more determined.
[NSFW] When I saw this meme, I got stabby. Seriously I would buy the shit out of
(Semi-NSFW) The SO and I are painting the bedroom. I couldn't help myself.
This was my entire Friday [NSFW]
Finally, Cosmo understands my needs. X-post from r/wtf
I really like pizza. [NSFW]
[GOT S05E10 SPOILERS) HIFW my favourite bra begins to stab my underarm
MFW I post on a NSFW and a guy who uses the most extreme myspace angles I've ever
I just finished my period yesterday, and it was bad one. Think Evil Dead. Yeah, that
MRW I accidentally "like" a picture on facebook from 4 years ago because
My creative way to address a "sexting" proposition. Possibly NSFW.
MRW I see this bedspread on reddit
Knitting the Pearl Clutcher sweater for a fellow troll (update for transparency)
My friend just sent me a photo of her drunken male genitalia art. She's a keeper
MRW the only thing that got dry and itchy this winter are my areolas. [NSFW] for
NSFW - NZ Troll Throws Dildo at Economic Development Minister. Wins Hearts of Trolls
MFW I received a [NSFW] poem about my feet
I got to draw tramp stamps on my friends (potentially NSFW)
Trolls! It's International Women's Day AND International Pancake Day?? (slightly
Preparation for the week ahead [NSFW-ish - menstrual cup]
[NSFW] This is a rough time of year for lots of folks so...
I'm so jealous of my roommate; he gets the best dick pics. [NSFW]
I love my man. Even in a rape fantasy roleplay sexting session, he specifically sexts