
My first rage comic, apologies for the dodginess. But can I get a little help?
My cable provider is dropping 15 Viacom channels starting tomorrow.
This is how I picture (hopefully eventually!) meeting this hot guy as he gets adorably
So I got some new tea. NSFW?
I'm looking for some good smut to dirty up my Kindle. You ladies have any recommendations?
I'm just wanted to share my emotions with y'all... I cleaned up smeared dog poo at
MRW I realize I accidentally peed my SO's bed a little during sex [NSFW probably]
I've never wanted anything so badly in my life. They're vinyl stickers. [NSFW]
Soo, I heard about all the vaginas bleaching undies, and decided to check mine. Not
MRW the new girl I'm seeing has highly intelligent conversations with me and talks
Plug it up! Plug it up! (Possible [NSFW])
I think my cream is telling me I need something. [NSFW]
Sometimes it's hard to let shit go
My friend and I talking about diva cups. We're gross and I don't care who knows it.[NSFW?]
This one time I made "art" for my room to express my utmost angst, thought
I've found that being unemployed does have its perks...[NSFW]
Boyfriend and I were discussing body hair... [probs NSFW]
HIFW I haven't had sex or an orgasm in nearly a year and I just realised I thought
Those of you who use OB tampons will understand [NSFW]
UTI plus a period... Mildly nsfw
Because of the acceptedness of my roommate's last quote, here's another completely
MRW I borrow a tampon from a friend after not having sex for a couple of years [NSFW]
Drunken Limerick reading is the best kind of limerick reading.
I'm sitting here so hangry at work while eating an apple to try and make my dietbet
[NSFW] MRW the windows steam up when I've been masturbating
[NSFW] So my friend sent me this, "People You May Know"
HIFW I dye my hair out of the box (NSFW?)
This is what happens in my snapchat when I'm drunk and all I got is dick on the mind.
Trolls, I think my IRL friend is our mascot. Here's her handmade costume. [NSFW]
[NSFW] MRW I read the gross but totally relatable things my fellow Trolls post
Thank you, Secret Santa, you rock. Campy male pinups, slightly NSFW.
MRW a classmate said that concern about representation in media is problematic, and
[NSFW] I'm sending cookies to a troll friend and I saw something funny about how
If only... (NSFW)
Guys. I think I'm in love. Story in comments is NSFW!
Question: Does anyone have actually have slow sex or is it just something I see in
Let's talk about how we tend to our garden
It's the horn that makes it (very mildly NSFW)
HIF after using my homemade pumpkin spice sugar scrub in the bath
When you done but he keeps lickin
[NSFW] I crocheted this Potus Penis to try to keep me calm during election coverage
So many people I've been talking to on dating sites (the ball is their penis)
So I was rewatching The Office when I noticed they only censored half the dildos
[Possible NSFL] Trolls, I had New Years plans for the first time in five years until
The heater is broken and in desperation I tried masturbating to keep warm. [nsfw]
When you fart under the covers... and wait...
Trolls, just wanted to share some sex positive xstitching I'd done for my trollfriend's
Adult movie aficionados argue about appropriate adjectives
[NSFW] I received my first dick pick today!
A handy chart to name your spirit *animal* [nsfw]
Found the perfect swimwear for y'all!
My favourite Panel from a Gender-Moral reversed Manga
DH and I have been spicing it up in the bedroom, HIFW I got home (backstory in comments)
For flippity flips sake. Really TFU