
[Speculation] [Spoilers] [NSFW]Episode 5 Screenshots and Thoughts
Black Star Tattoo in Trucker/Biker bar from Episode 4
[Spoilers][S2E1] A Missing Person
[S2E1] Anybody else notice the painting in the background before Semyon and Osip
[Season 2]Possible Bohemian Grove connection hinted in the intro
[S2E2][Spoilers] I called it 14 weeks ago
[Season 2] . . . and I haven't been since 1978 . . . coincidence?
[Season 2] [SPOILERS] The Birdman is obviously...
[S2E3] [No Spoilers] I'd certainly never heard it used before
[S2E3] [Spoilers] Did anyone notice Nail's weapon of choice?
[S2E1] Another little nod to David Lynch I noticed on re-watching
[Season 2] I think I just found an epic clue!
[S2E4][SPOILERS] Must be Opposite Day in Vinci
[S2E4] Paul, Ledo, and the duality of man.
[Season 2] Noticed my waffles were made in Vinci
[Season 2][Episode 4] Looks like a good place to build a railway
[Season 2] [S2E1] [S2E3] [S2E4] NSFW Proposing a new theory
[No Spoilers] Anyone else think she was exactly like Rust in this scene?
[S2E5] Crocodile eating snake
[S2E5] I think Frank watches Orange is the New Black.
Trying to figure out what's going on in [Season 2]
[S2E5] Another Twin Peaks Reference
[S2E4] Did anyone else notice Betty Chessani's necklace?
[Season 2] Found where Frank gets his lines from
[Season 2] We Get the Combover We Deserve
[S2E5] Looks like Ani's back to her old ways.
[Fan Art] True Detective + Rick and Morty crossover
[S2E6] It was not Ani's Father, Different Eye Color.
[S2E6][Spoilers] Well she did keep her word
[S2E7] Just a reminder: We still don't know who the last (center) guy in this photo
[Season 2] Frank Semyon: True Detective's Al Swearengen?
[S2E7] What did Velcoro mean when he said that?
[Season 2] The Birdman Has Frank's Money
[Season 2] [Spoilers] Screenshot from S2E8 Trailer: Frank Goes Into Witness Protection
[Season 2] [Spoiler] ? Our God warrior deserves a statue.
[Season 2] Who is this? (older gentleman at the unveiling of the new railway)
[S2E8] So much hate in 1 picture (Part 2)
[S2E8] I Think I Know Where Frank Was Walking To [spoiler]
[S2E8][Spoilers] Wanted to look something up before watching the finale. immediate
[S2E8] [No Spoilers] Can't forget the blues!!!
[Season 2] Could not help but be reminded of this guy
[S2E8] Anyone got a clue who this guy is?
[S2E8] Which country/city is this shot from?
[Fan Art] (Possible Spoilers) Ray & Frank
[Season 3] Casting speculation for S3 has officially begun!
[Season 2] [Fan Art] Tony Chessani wins the game
[Season 1] #nationallostdogday
[Season 2] I liked the framing in these two shots from season 2
[Fan Art] My attempt at Ray for Halloween
[Season 1][No Spoilers] I went as Rustin for Halloween last night
[No Spoilers] [Season 2] Picked up the RSDBF release of Season 2 as well as songs
[Season 1] Found an Artifact in Destiny that reminded me of all the antler triangles.
(SPOILERS) me_irl