
At the end of episode 10, having caught the Yellow King, Marty sits down with Rust
The Yellow King revealed - no spoilers
My favorite quote from the show
[Season 2] I drew this pencil art of Colin Farrell's character Ray Velcoro in anticipation
[Season 1] The Dazed Interstellar Detective Tshirt
[Fan Art] The first Taxman Tshirt
[S2E1] A brief summary of what went down at Aspen's home
[S2E1] What Ass-pen is probably thinking right now
[S2E1] Officer Woodrugh has greyscale
[S2E1][Spoilers] My favorite shot from episode 1
[S2E1] one of my favorite parts of the episode
[S2E1] As soon as I saw him...I thought of this.....
Colin Farrell hates kids. Seriously though this beat down on the bully's father has
[FAN ART] Much like the case in season 1, I felt that this wasn't finished the first
Anyone else think this looks like Mariska Hargitay? NSFW
[Season 2] This week in gritty reboots...
[S2E1] Did anyone catch Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey in the background
WTF exactly was this bowl of milk thing that was in Casper's house?
[S2E1] I don't see it...
[No Spoilers] He's been touched by the stone men
[S2E1] I don't see it...
As an astronomy buff, I loved how the lyrics were synched in this shot.
[S2] Opening Sequence Wallpapers [1920x1080]
[S2E1] I'm not Colin Farrell... [meme]
[S2E1] Quick sketch I did of Ray Velcoro last night
[Season 2] Title Sequence GIF
Does anyone here know Latin? It's the motto of the Panticapaeum Institute
Bullies HATE Him!
True detective s2e1 - first of weekly illustrations for the new series. Follow me
[No Spoilers] I finally found him!!!!
Found a clue I think [Season 2]
[S2E1] episode 1 fan art. Twitter @Alancawlan
[S2E3] Stumbled upon this, and now I'm torn between being relieved and pissed off.
[No Spoilers] Ani's rings - are they self defense rings? (More info in comments)
[S2E2][Speculation] More from the scene at the therapist. Did this strike anyone
[No Spoilers] Rust and Marty in the good old days, edtv
[S2E1]need help identifying symbol
[S2E4] I tried to count the number of casualties in the shootout
[S2E4] [Season 1] Rule of fives
[S2E4] Glove box. Take your cure.
[Season 1] [No spoilers] Awkward Detective
[Season 2][spoiler] panticapaeum institute founded by who?
[S2E6] Ani practicing in her apartment
[S2E7] What was with Jordan's hands after Frank told her he loved her?
[Season 2] [Spoilers]Possible birdman/heist orphan?
[No Spoilers] Heh. Found this while watching Gangster Squad.
[Season 2][Spoilers]Frank's Red Rose
[Season 2][Spoilers] Saddest part of the finale
[Season 2][Spoilers] True Detective Season 2 Alignment Chart
[Season 2] (Spoilers) Everyone on this sub after seeing the phone.
[No Spoilers] Retired officer Deiffenbach finally was able to move on after inventing
[Season 2]HBO's Awkward Detective Season 2 Episode 2
[Season 2] Can Someone Help Identify What Jacket Birdman Uses?
[No Spoilers] These results of a workshop in my university also look straight out
[Season 1] Time is a flat circle