
Fat acceptance goes hand in hand with heightism.
Thin privilege in a nutshell. [Not Tumblr]
When Vegans, Feminists, and POC Warriors collide! [NSFW Image]
Of all the posts about beauty standards on Tumblr, this one is my favorite so far!
So, /pol/ is attacking the feminism tags on Tumblr. Here's what's happened so far...
The names for Buttplugs are oppressive #killallmen
Penetration or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cock
Fan artists now need to ask permission to draw NSFW art of a fictive
NSFW u gotta have the "misogyny" under it so they kno ur only comin for
Even when you give them exactly what they ask for, it's still racist, transphobic
Don't add this to your fetish blog
It's seeped into my porn now (NSFW)
Of course that tag is the first reaction a tumblrina has
We are so deep in social justice that people are defending ISIS.
TIL: Nature only makes vaginas. Men only make penises. Men are compensating.
SJW upset that a female human trafficker is killed in comics [NSFW: Violence]
Gay porn is misogynistic, because the bottoms are in the "woman's role!"
Is this for real?
Mildly NSFW? Squid-Dog Kin and discovering Kintypes during "personal time"
...Because an insult is on the same level as a rape accusation. Tumblr comment bonus
"I will not tolerate any sexual comments!"
Don't add anything perverted or creepy. NSFW
Fucking tumblr [NSFW]
Someone actually got this tattooed on her ass (mildly NSFW)
[NSFW] Apparently, boys are more disgusted with periods as they are with rape. (21000
How dare you not want to fuck me? This hot comedian "might", so fuck you.
sexy pink genderless fat orb
I can't make this shit up
Assholes of Color (NSFW??)
Hahahaha nah not sorry at all
Fighting the Global Oligarchy
You people are never happy are you?
SJW complains about cosplay from a game she hasn't played and knows nothing about
This showed up on my newsfeed. Apparently, women can reproduce asexually.
That's exactly what that means.
This will be the first time I've played the role of something I'm not, because I
Can't get a license because patriarchy...
[Facebook] Nobody slut shamed before European Christianity was a thing.
Give Birth to Maggots...?
Apparently Dildos are racist.
That'll show em
Shearing and skinning are the same thing
Love the blood (Facebook)
Are we still fighting for equality? Or this?
Kesha's new album cover font literally dehumanizes Asians
You're telling me showing other people your nipples doesn't do anything to fight