
Apple need to check their thin privilege.
Dominoes Pizza = Rape Culture!
You like BDSM? What would your inner child say?
Time to find out how hard you are oppressing people with this easy chart!
Trans fats oppress Trans people. (DearCisPeople)
I need fat acceptance because...
[TW: Not Tumblr] Guys! Guys! I found evidence of self-reflection! You'll never believe
Stop sexualizing my vagina, damn it!
Freebleeding is Beautiful
[TW: Facebook, NSFW] White women are only good at stuff because they're white
It's like soul rape
[TW: Not Tumblr] TW: TW is a real thing now.
All women dying in video games is bad, context be damned. Also, the only bad thing
Satire is racist and sexist and cultural appropriation
SJWs don't like politically incorrect Halloween costumes
Everything's an issue of race
He's hot that look in his eyes
Wherein menstruation is described as a bridge between this universe and the last
#igetmine (imagine if the roles were reversed)
NSFW I'm speechless. Nobody should be happy about this.
(nsfw)*posts nudes on public blog**tries to file dmca when said nudes are posted
For a flirting app. This is not adorable, nor is it sexy. It looks like STDs and
Apparently dressing as Princess Leia is Racist! [Not Tumblr]
I should have expected Number Four
[NSFW/L] I was browsing Facebook on my lunch break when this popped up from a share.
Being lesbian is totally a social and political movement and not just a sexual orientation
From the makers of Wage Gap™, comes the most cutting edge of First World Problems:
"Racism against white people isn't a thing. It doesn't exist and it is not possible."
Yep, let's promote self-harm
[SANITY SUNDAY] Inclusive body positivity
Self-improvement is #triggering
Tumblrrriot in Berlin
You're a woman who doesn't shave? Way to smash the patriarchy! Wait, you're also
Real World Definition of 'curvy', and Tumblr's
[TW: Facebook] Women in the West are still horribly oppressed.
"I just feel like I'm absorbing all that privilege"
Mmm... Delicious
It's almost as if there are more than one people in the world and some of them have
Someone saw a drawing of a cop and immediately had to make it a race issue.
Nothing like getting a bunch of women to show you their boobs by saying it's for
Prominent SV Woman in Tech takes pride in hating Men more this year.
Presumably She's Trying to Burn It With Last Night's Phaal Curry, the Most Fiery
The best mother's day present
Guy has a joke fly over his head and is, therefore, mansplaining
This is part of a taxpayer funded “acceptance campaign” in Stockholm, Sweden
Found on the streets of Paris
Preferences are preferences, but you might want to evaluate yours. TW: “dick-repulsion”.
Gays (of color) only go to the gym because they’re socially conditioned to be obsessed
[NSFW] Specism... What the hell?
A cis man liked a public post of hers and she went on a Twitter rampage
Vegan nut and carnist cum
This has gone way to far
I know many of you people in here are probably Pro-Choice but... come on.