
Not so smooth now, Marlboro man....
How am I supposed to be productive?
True story, just happened
RIP long lost mods ;(
With all the serious news on ecigs, here's something to lighten us up
Not sure if Mod or Shuttle. Has /r/space gone too far?
Some solid advice if you've been going through juice like crazy, and want to save
I get my juice from a B&M. After seeing all the posts on people getting free
Anyone else had to do this? I feel terrible for people that get booboos.
For the Magritte fans...
Ordering e-cigs online
First time smoker
Dripping. The struggle is real.
The TOBH v2.5 [X-Post r/ECR]
Dammit joe, these are my priorities
Cuz Real Vapin Ass Vapers Dont Smoke
MfW A friend gets in to Dripping
MFW Sub-ohm Dry Hit
One of the first things I reach for in the morning
Spiderman Says What Nobody Else Will
r/ecig right now
Got a new ohm reader today. Why are these still on here
Because tanks are no fun...
Everyone posting pics of their haul from ECC and I'm on the east coast like
MRW one of my DIY liquids actually tastes good
MFW People post the ohms on their build
DIY is serious business.
Every single time.
Cloupor T-h8te
Worlds biggest box mod. Looks like they used MNKE's
Little blue screwdriver
What I sing every time I drip. (x-post ecr)
When my friends complain about my clouds.
Sometimes juice collects on the top of my 120ml bottles and drips off when I go to
Soooo....single or dual coil?
Chucking Norrises
My reaction when I've been out of nic juice for about a week and find 5ml I had forgotton
When I put a fresh battery in my mod...
How I felt after rebuilding for the first time ever on my RDA
New Arctic tank
There's a new tank every week it seems
That face when a newbie hits your mod for the first time.
TFW a new B&M opened in my town
I made the original meme but it needed to capture the excitement (gif)
That Fresh Mod Status
DIY mod holder
I do this so I don't get cancer..
It's gross.
Underage Vapors
MRW my brother used eFest batteries
When you're average, but you have to use buzzwords on your resume to stand out
When the voltage is too high
If smok made a knife
How about your coil ? Time to check it
Sorry, guys - I’m here to run errands, not hang out
FDA be like
Federal ban? "Don't worry folks, I'm with ya!"
What if your government wanted to slash the amount of caffeine you can have in 1