
After reading the "What do you think will happen when (not if) the FDA regulates
MRW I walk outside and my newly drilled atty whistles in the wind.
What I imagine happens after I place an order at FastTech.
MRW somebody offers me a cigarette 2 days before my 12mos analog-free anniversary.
Out for delivery. YES!
Got no love at ecf. But thanks to then I found you guys!
"Your fasttech order has been delayed"
Checking fasttech tracking every day
MFW: i hit a dripper for the first time today {X-POST r/reactiongifs}
When the only YT review for the device I want isn't in English...
its my first coil build, be gentle :)~
What my ECC weekend consist of
When you've just built a new coil...
E-cig Study in Japan Provokes New BS News Reports
When you find missing juice...
To the guy at my local B&M who adds nic to my bulk juice for free so I don't
Xmas Eve
What a glorious feeling
Well... heh... ok.... *zip*
If only it was the first time. And it was the last of that juice.
Your reaction when..
when you take and rda off to go to a tank and leave the wattage at 50
My face when my co worker keeps asking to hit my new setup.....
If you get it then your childhood was pretty awesome... and now ruined
VapeThrone's uploaded images
Stoner friend tried my Ecig for the first time last night when he dropped this one
Vader Used IMREN
You all should know
MRW when my vapemail doesn't arrive on it's scheduled delivery day, but I act like
You know the feel
Every time.
Modern man
Never kill Persians without your mod
MRW my Dad suddenly "gets headaches" from second hand vapor.
Agoristball expands his business
We get it...
This a good mod?
Leo and POTUS
We all love making eclipses!
Every time I think I've waited long enough to take that first hit....
Belugas are convicted VAPISTS
After not being on reddit for a few days...
Smokes. Let's go!
Subtank vs Dripper
Kidding me?!
What's with all the hate on vapers?
lol, this is exactly what’s your facial look
Join the Resistance!
Exactly the face I have, lol
This poster at my friend’s school
Cloud cover
its... uh.... high noon, it seems
Now we have pod systems and salt nic but any old heads remember filling ce3's with