
We're posting AKs?
I'll take two!
$2.00 sake pours this afternoon.
TFW you get to the range and you brought the wrong ammo, alternatively TFW you post
damn import laws. METH MONDAYZ
His name was Methaintallbad
Am I printing?
[NSFW] Just finished my 81mm ghost pistol. It's an unregistered DD, don't tell plz.
Makes sense
All your tendies are belong to us
OC Dank Meme ***NSFW****
The best goddamn meth Monday picture I could possibly find.
Not monday, still gonna post tits.
Presidential® Perfection.
you know what day it is
[M]iss me? Haven't posted in a while, back and bad as ever.
I'm back
What /u/stonetear did after seeing the frontpage of reddit this morning
Feisty Friday
из России с любовью
Bae's new zap carry
It's Saturday again, everyone post their wknd carry
Hands off mah glawk
i'd be her methentine
Freshly stolen oc
Dead birbs
Bigcock45 on the you tube shooting 2 liters again
Sadely people are wasting their money and the ATF will have to come kill their pupper.
MRW my grandson warns me they're coming for our guns, so I call my old battle buddy
BATFECES: Hey, we're gonna infringe on your rights. NRA:
MRW when normies jumping ship and dat Monday METH gets to rolling in
This fuckin bird has been sitting here mean mugging me all day. what do?
Reddit is spreading lies about bestgunnit
Time to make this dindu nuffin*Equip cop glasses* go downdu nuffin
After success bankrupting gun grabber stickers, let's try the ATF. Free fingerprint
Dear ATF, is this ok? Love, gooby.
No step on Sneeeek? STEP ON SNEEEEEEKS!
This is my BOOM stick
I call it the Master Blaster, great for giving FUDDs heart attacks and making the
Just getting ready for Halloween. I’m wrapping my benis too guys don’t worry.
Some meth for Monday
strategic links meth
Happy Friday Eve. [Nsfw]
This is obviously what they mean when they say "fuck guns".
I don't even care if it's a trap...
Chilly space meth [nsfw]
Went to a clinic to a clinic in Cali to get my dick swabbed and saw this on the Dr's