
Is it still wheelgat Wednesday?
Monday trigger warning nsfw
It's Monday, turd burglars
Meth Monday- KGB edition NSFW
Followup: More pics of that hot chick from yesterday. and guns too..
Saw some [spicy] [OC] in the cancer ward, of all places
Ok, which one of you dildos was this?
She's not quite got this zap carry thing down yet.
Minutes after I got'r home [NSFW]
P [nsfw]
I love the beach.
My girl posing nude with my vz. nsfw
I meth ruled before it was cool
B3nis pics 4 ladyz of wknd. NSFW. I gotda 12 in brrl NBD.
Can't wait till Monday
fuck you i;m drunka nd not waiting for monday
It's monday
If you don't like Meth Monday...
More of everyone's favorite beltfed girl
The only way I want to go, wheely gat girl
Mef munday3
Somebody did a shit job on those lug nuts
[OC] Dank Control
Meth Monday!
WTB: Flashbang holster for GF's new concealed carry [Oh See for 10K sub contest](Melons
Why I wake up before noon on Mondays
accidentally called her Hillary
Jiggly Meth
its still Monday right? (shamelessly stolen)
Love me some meth
Classy, unlike you dogs
Seal team sex, with a little meth
Can't stop, won't stop
When the Russkis ?? give the dindus ??‍♂️ rifles to fight white slavers [OC]
MRW people say anybody but based Dugan is the true gun jesus.
Tendies and Jam
plastic > wood
WW1 Nazi "red baron" dropped this crap in my house, how to dispose
Vegetarian in muh bunker. What do?
Commifornia assault magazine
From the anti gun protest in IL. #VivaLaHundo
When it's 1992 and you need to blow up 5 bullet proof vests and maybe planet Earth.
Do you even assault rifle bro?
got too excited over ? , almost blew my load ??
"Why we just ban guns?!?" [OC no steal?]
Actual footage from the wedding I was in this weekend
kaboom (stolen title, stolen content, dgaf fite me)
Dindu Nugget (Oseeee)
Give your Thot slayer rifle gots its MOJO back boi, Fag Defense introduces the mojo
Now that hes gone we should do something in his honor
new bayonet came in
Dear Penthouse, I met this lovely girl named Natalia outside the vodka bar and when