
MFW I'm innawoods hunting
Anyone else like butts?
Don't mind me just following the mef rule.
Another meth post
Huntin' Wabbits
Update applied
Bye bye slide fire
Nerf or Nothin'
MFW everyone on Facebook is saying you shouldn’t own 9 guns
MRW they are giving out free gun control stickers. [OC]
Arise Chicken, Chicken Arise
No foregrip, no folding stock, no black plastic, no rails or scopes or lasers or
My girl Annie thicc Af ???
Rate my build
Home improvement
Seein lot of positivity toward ATF lately, but we'll never forget
Gunsmith student reporting , having plenty of fun in class.
Not in my house you son of a bitch
MFW the ATF finally comes for pupper
TFW you have to slot a LOT of floppies at close range
Extra-Terrestrial beings. They live among us.
Load up boys, Meme war 3 is inevitable
DAE mount their long eye relief scope on their suppressors?
MRW I have enough money left over in the budget for a safe. [Oh see if you can step.
My uncle's gun she got in war of 1812
PSA: Don't be the dick hole who doesn't put good shit in the candy bowl this Halloween
Shotgun Meth
Dont come to art class tomorrow
Tailgate me again bruh.
Yo dawg, I heard you like being offended. So I put a trigger warning in your trigger
don't worry guys, I know I'm morbidly obese in addition to having dangerously uncontrolled
90% of r/Gunporn submissions
They're right behind us! Deploy the tail-mounted ratshot and get us out of here!
MRW I hear gungrabbers talking about high cap mags
When your meth also likes meth.
NSFW Commie Meth
I'd zap her holster.
MRW reading all the gun control comments on the front page
real meth zap carry for /u/Removed_Californian
Opium Monday!
Time for some slavshit on this Meth Monday
When the meth gets woke
rat a tattattattat that's the way it is
Meth Monday (nsfw) (OC no photoshop)
Ruger precision Benis for $24.99 on eBay? Am I gonna pass that up? I doubt it.
Traps are gay fite me
Yes it’s real meth
the poor man's SlutsHaveFeelings2 zap carry solution
Boogalooin with a crop top
Fight the mods, Post your ugly mug!
Forgot to post the other 4th of july thiccness
My emergency drawer. Horse Police, please no step. Merci.
Happy Belated Christmas from Dugan
R8 my budget plate carrier/big igloo blowout loadout