
She's a good sport
found this over at r/starterpacks
Stay Jelly Fags 100% [oh sea] gimme my fuckin poops.
She's going all in to bring in the last 71 subscribers. [10k sub comp]
[NSFW] Hump day [OC don't rustle]
You guys IRL
Mosin Meth
Id aloha her snackbar
When you get home from work and she promises you 37 minutes of pleasure
Viet Cong tunnel rat with her stolen American problem solver (1969) (Colorized) (Meth)
Go home garlic bread you’re drunk
>Drone strikes versus gun owners
When they taken away all your rights so you get your gun ready for a revolution
"The Lion of Verdun introduces his cubs to a hunter from Berlin."
Springfield Armory 1911 disassembled [2100x1400][OC]
No bump on steck!
The NRA's idea of a great Monday
Rate my shotgat
Anyone else have a tragic boating accident today while transporting your entire firearms
Saw this beautiful thing today
1911 users (Courtesy of C&H)
Sign from the lake county illinois gun protest om Friday
NSFW: Hot mature brunette gropes bbc (big black clip)
With this one trick, you too can have a machine gun. [ATF no step]
TFW you put fudd opinions in a table and realize that fudds are just another type
When someone passes you in the bread line [OC, but communism so take what you want
Different gat stances. 100% Verfied.
When you and your enemy engage each other after wading through a swamp, but he's
Dark, but dank. [OC]
Good thing I filed as a trust
Finally got a giggle pin lower with all of my rich people money. Totally legit. Not
Wife baked me a PB&Jam Sammich.
MFW UltraFags turn my favorite retard community into a gritty dindu-riddled NSFW
Since we're NSFW, enjoy this sexy Glawk Perfection
Older Meth makes me negligently discharge. (NSFW)
Post war meth is best meth
Pic of my NATO mom back when she was in the silent service. Seen here wearing a pair
MRW the ATF shows up but I have no pupper
Methy Chrimmas
You wouldn't download a....yes and fuck you. I download a print best gun.
Leaked image shows Franklin Armory's plans for more Reformation-style short barrels
OC METH BUTT. She's used to short benis. NSFW
Sometimes the meth posts itself. Marked NSFW, because cucks.
FLOTUS and Jam meth
Soy intake at the Broward County Sheriffs Office has it's consequences
Thick meth = Best meth
New mossberg shockwave
Monday Meth (insert OC here)
I guess this is who we ?e now.
Meth monday (not oooh seaaa steal for fap folder)
and more...fancy meth
It's Monday on the East coast.
Let's start out Meth Monday right.
NSFW. that's a nice pair.
[Meth Monday] It’s 6pm, you just sat down to eat a plate full of tendies with your