
It's true.
She got lucky
For everyone making light of war with North Korea [FIXED]
They're right. The Trayvon Martin case is about race; but not the way that they think.
Fuck dude, I just want my change.
Jesus Will Send One Justice for Every Like
A good catholic boy
Friend just said this
Fast and Furi-oooohhhh shiiiit
Media martyr
Poor kid.
Didn't turn out as funny as i thought
Now strap your bones right to the seat, come on in in and don't be shy!
No one ever seems to mind but me.
What do you call a first grader with no friends?
The bright side of things
Classic Facebook
Purity Ring
After Watching The Documentary "CRUMB"
USA: Still #1
You know what really grinds my gears?
Some people are just lazy!
Look me in the eye and give it to me straight.
This got removed from /r/AdviceAnimals a (Wrong SubReddit/Removed) so I guess they
I thought Robin Williams might have pulled a Carradine
All the way to the bank
We always talk about niggers in Africa. Today, I'm bringing it home
New meme?
I might be going to hell for this but I think there's an advantage
I like pudding too
Black Americans were surveyed on who they think best represents their interests...
Not sure how /r/adviceanimals would react to Great Idea George over here.
The truth is hard to swallow
Contemplating Belle
I can't say I blame him
Regarding Ellen Pao news photographs...
After watching the eyewitness in the S.C. cop shooting giving a TV interview
Don't choke
It's too late for Joseph
This seasons MVP on the CHP basketball team
After the recent LA shooting the Chilis have been going round my head constantly
2016: The year Uber's Marketing Department sponsored a mass shooting
New logo
Got this one today from your friendly local SJW.
Saw this on Facebook. Made me laught.
Too soon?
Love, love will tear us apart
Due to the recent events in Oakland
How it feels...
Starts tomorrow I think...
No fingers!
They say Morgan Freeman's eyes hold the secrets of the universe