
If you have a daughter buy her this
Good for me
Redirected from r/ImGoingToHellForThis. I said this to my boyfriend yesterday while
Where did they get the idea from, anyway?(X-Post from r/Pokemon)
Silver lining?
They hated me in AdviceAnimals so I thought I would post it here and see what you
Occurred to me when serving a regular who never tips anything. Not even the thirteen
Told to repost here from r/goingtohellforlaughingatthis
Some words of wisdom my grandpa pulled on me
I'm a terrible human being...but in my defense, he was a volunteer.
I wonder
Thanks, Adolf!
Rapper The Game wants to beat the shit out of hero George Zimmerman to preserve Trayvon's
I think this guy belongs here
When he knew
Bitch please!
The extra 50 - 60 pounds was a huge turn off.
I think this belongs here
Happy Birthday President Truman
All of you here who have had actually humorous posts that weren't appreciated know
Angry Black Puppy
Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga, Blackman!
Bike problems
The Puffin has a solid point
I work with this chick
Just a hypothetical.
Success Kid + Scumbag Stacy
Socially Racist Penguin
We'll still miss him
White Van Sales Done Right
So apparently I'm a racist now?
Hearing the news of Joan Rivers' death
I mean really... what did you think was going to happen when an 81 year old undergoes
9/11 jokes are in (the ground) right?
The most likely thing the Pope was saying when this pic was taken...
"The proletariat have nothing to lose but their lives"
Loses 150 pounds
Regarding the whole Duggar family fiasco
This was my favorite movie growing up!
Ahmed Mohamed Clock Issue
Homeless man's question to The Pope
DST in the Middle East
They didn't like me at I'm go to hell for this. After reading the today I learned
My Grandpa, ladies and gentlemen
I work so they can
Good Guy Duterte
Brother you're going to have to marry it now, that's the fourth time it's happened.
This is the SD-card Trump used to share confidential information about ISIS
When you are arguing with a retard.
I'm pioneering a new meme style...Hentai Meme