
Extremely photogenic Muslim
This is also similar to how the founding of America went down. (X-post from r/AdviceAnimals)
/r/adviceanimals was not amused
Was told to post this here. My first meme attempt
I <3 NY
First world grade school problems
Introducing: Sickly African
I've noticed this trend around here recently.
Turning SF in to Gotham might seems like a good idea... (x-post r/AdviceAnimals)
Like Indian giving, but different
After getting banned from /r/offmychest due to the femnazi takeover.
It's a little late, but it's never too soon!
Black Americans have a lot to thank for advancements in technology
You know its true.
Hates new home
I have it the worst
The Paralympics start today. This joke seems 'armless enough.
True First World Problems.
Since the 9/11 memorial just opened...
Best fap ever.
Why Darth Vader never needed to appear on Maury
Today was a good day.
Batman on being offended by rape jokes.
Ariel should have rethought the deal
The comparison is downright offensive!
I get into trouble sometimes...
I'll see you in hell... it is Halloween after all [x-post from /r/adviceanimals]
Oh, look, Honey! Christmas carolers!
It's true.
He'll never let go Jack...
Dear Dr. King, see how far we've come?
Gotta be careful.
I hate this time of year.
Rick's joke
...and masturbating.
That'll teach 'em.
This is why we cant have nice things
They always get the losing teams T-shirts
She was not wrong!
Haven't had fresh water in months
Happy Birthday you mother fucker.
GG vester
Grande por favor
I was born male but identify as a toaster.
Clouds bro
Feeling charitable for christmas?
Spoiler alert
Kama Sutra be like...
What happened to r/ImGoingToHellForThis, I haven't been on yestrday?
Bad Luck Patel
Good Guy Germany
I bet their heads will explode if they think about it too much.
I love a winner
The mods made popcorn