
All this Samsung nonsense makes sense now
When you also have to be the dad of the house.
Now that Trump won, we can finally deport all these Mexicans that stole our jobs
Tinder...jumping the shark
Ohio state attack
Group selfie
Gender studies
Bathroom sign at my Hotel
[Patriarchy intensifies]
89th Academy Awards.
In light of recent events....
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks...
Gift ideas for my son
Well played
Please share
Still waiting
This was either a miracle, or a tragedy.
I'm just sayin
I'm shocked
Autobots, roll out!
Dealing with noisy neighborhood
Dating black guys...
Where is your science now?
Happy New Year
I've moved on from razors in apples
Don't laugh, this happened to Harvey Weinstein 32 times
Girl Access Levels Simplified
Ohhhhhh Nooooo
So black.
Black priorities
As I Gazed Into Her Eyes...
So Progressive
Choose wisely
Whatever works for you I guess?
No witty titled needed the meme speaks only truth.
The 1/3rd Reich
Relationship Goals
Zip Zop Zoobity Bop
Shots fired
The fact that there are people retarded enough to think that this looks like a black
Going down like plane crash
Bill had to do it to em
Proposed new state bird of California
A sweet childhood memory.
With the assist
"It's kind of hard to swallow"
Yes, even Detroit
Proud Android owner
You fucked up Karen...