
I asked the guys from Cyanide & Happiness to draw me something. This is what
Undeniable proof
Reddit has got your back.
Zika Virus
He's got a point
How is he typing?
If black people didn't think gymnastics were gay...
Thanks Marina! <3
Mans best friend
He's really going to be in jeopardy now.
When you don't know how to pronounce someone's name
Meaningful Tears
automod has no chill
I have learned to live without you.
Time to find my copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Middle-East.
Perfect example of a normal non-retarded person
We Have An Army
This is the future
Pew Pew Pew
92 years - 2 days = More Time
Day without women...
Accurate map of countries that use the metric system
Brain and genders
<------Number of people who think "MarchAgainst" subs are an embarrassment
Remove the oppressors statues
When you hear the shooter was a white American
Pump those numbers!
Well sh!t
American Melting Pot
Additional 10 horsepower
Say your prayers, bitch
Amazon gets it
No talent ex-child actor speaks
Born a savage
mmmm.. Pizza is good!
Literally, Anne Perkins, Literally.
Actually thats a good theory
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
Because this is what heroes do
Tastes like dog
Jesus is shy