
Wife said that my tummy was bumming her out, and impacted certain sex positions,
M 30. 5' 10''. 13 9. Just  started the 30 Day Shred diet.
About to start Insanity Phase 2. This is after completing month 1. Will update in
[M]y First Post. 5'11, 175 lbs. Don't hold back, I can take it - I'd prefer honest
About four weeks apart. Please excuse the pubes.
29 M, week 3, 5ft11, 289 lbs (down from 314 lbs)
27/M/ 6'1 SW:387 CW:300 GW:240
F/29/5'2" 2 Months Progress 162 lbs -> 146 lbs (GW: 135) Lost an inch
M / 55 / 5'9" / 248 lbs. / First Post
21y/o 5'11 193lbs (up from 172lbs)
24/m/181 - a few months later and I'm down from 185! Need help losing tummy fat
Progress pictures since the beginning of the month. I'm struggle to eat better, but
M 40(now) originally 280lbs now 193Lbs
Man boobs are fading! Getting some muscle definition. First big change.
41, M, 254lb/42%bf to 176lb/16%bf
M/22/6'5 - 170 to 186 (9 months)
Do I need to tone my stomach?
I hope my progress encourages you today. Comments welcomed.
45yo, 5' 9", 211lbs...need to lose 25-30lbs. Cutting out beer and bread...what
29 / M / 166 / 5'10"
40m. Updates. I've started lifting more and cycling one or two times a week. My weight
37 / 170 / 6'1" Finally feel comfortable posting.
M, 41, 5'5 161lbs - 2 years of steady exercise, thoughts?
Scale says I am back peddling. (M/45 170>180)
[M/32/6’/81kg] Maintained at 81kg this week, with more consistent work. Feel like
SW 210, CW 187.2, GW 170 (can't find my before pic)
42 M 2 month progress. 10 lb down
M36, 5'8, lost about 10 pounds (155 -145) thanks to OMAD
M 29 5’4” SW 185. CW: 173. GW 145. I feel like I’m not seeing progress anymore
First post! M/24/5’8. SW:180 CW:158 one year progress dieting on weekdays and eating
m46, 200, 5'10" Working out for one week. I actually feel and look more bloated
M47 5'10" SW200 CW193 Finally a bit of noticeable progress after some stumbles.
Starting again. Hoping this time sticks. 27M 5’10” 258lbs
38, 5'10", SW 190, GW 170. Need to make some changes to get back in shape!
M/26/5'10" SW: 285lbs CW: 263lbs - CICO and daily workouts 5x/wk for minimum