
Half Again As Much Work To Castrate This Guy
Jose gets castrated for rape accusation
If he were castrated, this wouldn't have happened
Chad got castrated by a wiman because Jesus
Kansas youth castrated for chronic masterbation
Afsheen, castrated Iranian boy
Pre-castration exam for patients and prisoners
Slaves punishment included castration
Anatoli recovers from Russian vigilante castration
25 pre-castrated men
No worries, castration will make your panties fit
This won’t happen after your castration anymore
A little prick before we castrate your big prick
A nicely split and castrated cock
Mike's narrow escape from castration in 1959
Bryce the bisexual dreams of being castrated
Voluntary castration on the rise
23 year-old German boy plans future castration
SilentEunuch hopes for his castration soon
When you suddenly realize your buddy isn't castrated
Young, hard castrated weenie
Drop your twins off at the hospital
Smooth operator
Come for the haircut, stay for your castration
The best birth-control is fucking a eunuch
Chemically castrated nutless
18-year old castrated sissy
Giving her the finger
You'll love sitting after your castration
Ball check
Mike's castration, 10-years later
Hoodies & woodies
Chinese prisoner castration
Totally emasculated
She’s hung like a mule
Spread your legs, show your missing eggs
The family jewels became jewelry
Castroboy saving for his castration
Chemical castration: The soft option
Waking up after your procedure
Adolescent suffered involuntary castration and didn't take Testosterone Replacement
Chinese adolescent suffered involuntary castration, no testosterone replacement therapy
4 weeks post surgery [trans]
The evil slave girl
Captured, gelded, cucked
Gelding the rival
Soon to be a steer
Extreme Slavery
NSFW Just had my orchiectomy today. Here is my post op clit
God I’d love to get rid of these useless balls
Your boss walks in and increases your quota without a raise, you pull out the pictures
20 minutes after banding, can't wait for these to drop off