
Dominant female dominates
This could be you
Eric, happily neutered
Relax, your penis has already been operated on
She got a new set of earings
Steve finally gets snipped
Nathan was born with no balls
The moment you've been waiting for
Another Czechoslovakian rapist gets his nuts gutted
The new generation of eunuchs is growing
This won't hurt a bit
The snippening
Harvest time
A double dare
Flat is the new round
Now we can save money sharing panties
Empty sac, full rack
That clean look
Eunuch couple gets it on
It just stopped working one day
Sexy young eunuch sporting big boner
Dicks 'n dicklets, part two
Dicks 'n dicklets, part three
Less is more
Can’t make babies with this one
Dicklet gets knocked up
Your balls are mine
Dicks 'n dicklets
A preview of things to come (off)
Proud 18-year old dicklet
Balless beauty
Someone grab a dildo
Nice bush, no balls
Empty Asian sac
Big head, no balls
Every day, hundreds of new Eunuchs are born
Bad boy with baby balls
Empty sac, full cock
Neutered nutsac
That clean look
Nicely neutered
All cock and no balls
Over 40? Time to consider sexual retirement
No balls down there, just don't care
And now for something completely different
Balls to the walls
Hairless, nutless & neutered
In 10 minutes you'll no longer be a man
Eunuch ready to be mounted
No more cock-pillows
All out of baby-juice
Tell me how you'll do it, and what will happen to me ;)