
The Best Easter Egg in Teen Titans Go!
Putting the "Man" in "Superman" (Superman: Unchained #1)
These two panels seemed like they belonged together. (Deadpool Kills Deadpool #3)
I squealed in excitement. (Superior Spider-man Team Up #5)
"Intruder!" (Krampus #2)
*Possible Spoilers* Am I the only one who got goosebumps at this? (Invincible #63)
[Extreme Spoiler] Superior Spider-Man #27
not a suicide (Deadpool #26)
Ed Brubaker's Winter Soldier cameo as Scientist #2
I see what you did there, Patty. (The Flash #30)
The ending of Forever Evil was waaayy too satisfying
Rocket certainly has an interesting pet name for Peter...(The Legendary Star-Lord
The most shocking reveal of Original Sin [Original Sins #3]
Nice subtle acknowledgement in Batman #33. [NSFW]
You can't be King of the Robots without a fine ass 80in LED TV (Saga #22)
Last page.. [Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two: #22] spoilers, nsfw
Great Story Telling by Groot [Rocket Raccoon #5
Marvel sure does understand us. (Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #1)
DC throwing fire into the talking animal feud. [Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year 3
Boom [Injustice Year Three - 17]
The unflappable Alfred (Batman and Robin #38)
1610 Jean Grey, The Ultimate Agitator (All-New X-Men #36)
This is the cover for The Wicked + The Divine #11. Wtf...
Batman has great chinballs (Batman #38) [Minor Spoilers]
This was badass (Punisher v9 #12)
[SPOILERS] Can't wait for a battle of the bands. :] (Spider-Gwen #2)
[SPOILERS] 48 issues to accomplish absolutely nothing. GG, DC. [Future's End #48]
Tyler lives [Fight Club 2 #1]
[Excerpt] I Guess Rune Thor Fills the "Noble Bigot With a Badge" Trope.
Nova Dog [The Infinity Gauntlet (2015) #2] [SPOILERS]
(Spoilers) Superman, Champion of the Oppressed [Action Comics #42]
Truer words have never been spoken (Deadly Class #14) [Minor Spoilers]
Aquaman tells it like it is. (JLA #2)
If you're not reading Secret Wars' Marvel Zombies... Well, I think it's the best
Barbarian Bar Talk (Weirdworld #3)
[Movies] HD Image of Thanos from the Age of Ultron Blu Ray.
Bang Some Bones {Deadpool vs Thanos #1}
Kinda just made me re-think his entire existence. (Civil War #5) [SPOILERS]
[SPOILERS]Lots of epic spreads in this issue, but this page got me. (Vader Down#1)
I've been collecting comics for over 30 years. Robin sums up perfectly how I feel
Hyperion vs. Namor (Squadron Supreme #1)
[SPOILERS] Who's next? (Justice League #48)
[Spoilers] Guess who's back? (Justice League #50)
Genndy Tartakovsky is a fantastic artist [Cage! #2]
Before and After Adoption (DC Rebirth: Batman Annual #1)
[Batman #32] [SPOILERS] Hell yeah.
(JUSTICE LEAGUE #20) [SPOILERS] My favourite ever.