
Topless Supergirl by Adam Hughes
Did anyone else catch Greg Capullo's homage to Star Wars in Batman #20 today?
Can't help but love Soule writing Guy Gardner -- Red Lanterns #22
This comic is just breaking my heart! (Wonder Woman #23)
Alan Moore's cameo in Swamp Thing Annual 2
Dear Dan Slott: The pieces are set. Now bring Peter back so we can get some amazing
Let me save YOU. (Cataclysm spoilers)
A Truly Evil Name (Justice League Beyond 2.0 #9)
[SPOILER FOREVER EVIL #5 preview] Prep time ain't gonna help you this time, Bats
These two pages from the most recent Larfleeze really killed me
Ronan stands before (Guardians of the Galaxy spoiler)
[SPOILERS]Just watched Batman: Assault on Arkham and I thought this mask looked familiar
Stuff Like This Is Why I Love Ultimate J Jonah Jameson So Much. [Miles Morales: Ultimate
I've been waiting years for him to admit it. [Uncanny Avengers #24]
I love the use of Marvel Trading Cards to help tell the backstory [Edge of Spider-Verse
OH SWEET JESUS (Futures End 23)[FIXED]
This January, one of my favourite characters is being drawn by one of my favourite
Oh? What?? Huh!? (Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #7) spoilers
[Spoilers!!] I really enjoyed the dialogue between these two. [Amazing Spider-Man
[SPOILERS] So far, favorite page of Superior Spiderman. Love the jarring breakaway
Duty calls (Robin Rises Alpha #1)
[Spoilers] Best head in a jar I've seen in a while, Etrigan. (Justice League 3000
Injustice: Gods Among Us - Year Three #24 [SPOILERS]
My favorite panel of the week [Action Comics #40][SPOILERS]
[SPOILERS] [NSFW] Negan's got a way with words [The Walking Dead #114]
The End. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-man #120)[SPOILERS]
What happens if you have a superhuman healing factor in the apocalypse (Extinction
[implicit SPOILER] in the light of Convergence #8, my wish for the future
[SPOILERS] I'm so happy to see him [Secret Wars 3]
Looking forward to this team up. {Groot #2}
All-New X-Men Vol. 2 #1 Cover Reveals Two New Members
I absolutely loved this dialogue from Archie #2 last week.
All's well that ends well [Colonel of Two Worlds #1]
It's Smallville and the End of JLU all over again! [Justice League #45]
The Bat Family really is one hell of a crew. (Batman/Superman #26)
Luke Cage reps Run the Jewels (Illuminati #1)
[Spoilers] John Oliver cameo in Robin War #1?
Guess who's back?! (Batman and Robin Eternal #9- SPOILERS)
Mutant or Inhuman, remember we are all fans [Extraordinary X-Men #5]
[SPOILERS] Ant-Man? More like: Can't keep it in his Pants-Man. [The Astonishing Ant-man
Now that's how you conclude a comic in Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #8
I know what i'm calling Cho Hulk now [The Totally Awesome Hulk #4]
[NSFW] Got this engraved in preparation for the Preacher premiere next month
They're already building up to Civil War II [Ms. Marvel #06]
Pretty sure Deadpool is the one male hero to have this claim in the Marvel Universe
[SPOILERS] (JUSTICE LEAGUE #23) Who's flying this thing?