Goddess Of Venus

How's this (f)or starters?
How do you like my (f)rame?
What do you think o(f) my new panties?
Dif(f)erent angle for you
Looking (f)or a lover
Alternate take (f)rom today
Sneaking of(f) to post this at work
Have you ever thought about (f)ucking me?
Keep ya dick (f)at
Old (f)aithful
Do you have a (f)avorite Star Wars character?
I love (f)lowers
I love (f)lowers
Corn(f)lower blue
I get by with a little help (f)rom my friends
He like it thick, he like it (f)at
Did you know you can (f)lex fat?
Hips (f)or you to hold onto
Being lonely (f)its me
Bacon-wrapped (f)igs, let's talk about it
I won't wait (f)orever, take me now
Make you (f)all real hard in love
Roses are red, violets are blue, I am horny just (f)or you
I need co(f)fee
Ready (f)or a cold shower
She put on a (f)ree show
Reach (f)or the stars
What i(f) this is the last thing I ever do?
Peaches and (f)ucking cream
Help me take my panties o(f)f
(F)ree yourself
Get on your (f)ucking knees
Happy (F)riday!
Come on Daddy, pin me down and (f)uck me already
Praying nine to (f)ive like a saint for you
(F)reshly washed
Kinda digging these blurry pics lately, how do you (f)eel?
I (f)ell for your magic, I tasted your skin
Lady o(f) the lake
What are we having (f)or dinner?
Chestnuts roasting on an open (f)ire
I wake up (f)eeling like you won't play right
Thank God it's (F)today night
Hate to be so (f)orward but, wanna suck my tits?
Wanna hang out and have a (f)ew drinks?
Kiss me (f)rom head to toe
I just (f)ell in love with a bad bitch
I just (f)ell in love with a bad bitch
(F)uck me like you love me
Now, (f)uck me like you hate me
In need o(f) a big load, you decide where
High like (f)alsetto
She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is (f)ound within
My (f)avorite sweatpants
Take me (f)or a ride
(F)eeling good this AM
You see me at a bar, what's the play?
Would you take me out (f)or dinner?
What's li(f)e without a little drama?