Goddess Of Venus

That all American (f)it
This is appropriate (f)or the bar, right?
Sheets are dirty, (f)ortunately I am too
My bed's a little big (f)or one
So (f)resh and so clean
Go on, grab a hand(f)ul
Phat enough (f)or ya?
Happy (F)riday
Night shi(f)t
Can I borrow your (f)lannel?
Resistance is (f)utile
Opalescent magni(f)icence
Got a bit (f)risky today
(F)or the boys
So(f)t and supple
Hungry (f)or your love
(F)resh as a daisy
Let me satis(f)y you
Break(f)ast, anyone?
I'm ready (f)or my massage
(F)irst light
My date made me horny as (f)uck
Getting naked (f)or you
It's a cozy sweater kind o(f) morning
(F)un bags
My hair is a (f)ucking mess
I'll take you somewhere (f)un
(F)lash, flash
Happy Halloween, mother(f)uckers! ?
I(f) I ask nicely, can we please spend the day in bed?
Ready (f)or a good spanking
Good a(f)ternoon
Wish I could spend the whole day in com(f)ort
I don't want a (f)riend
You DT(F)?
An old photo, please (f)orgive me
I can't help mysel(f)
I'm (f)eeling a movie marathon, what are we watching?
Good a(f)ternoon ?
I tried to warn you, I'm ready to (f)uck
Loving my Christmas (f)lannel
Rub a dub dub, I touch mysel(f) in the tub
Passion (f)ruit ?
Dream a little dream o(f) me
Waiting patiently (f)or you to put your hands on me
Glowing (f)rom the inside out
Velvety so(f)t
Happy (F)riday! How would you feel if you woke up next to me?
(F)irst Light
(F)resh as a daisy ?
Just (f)or you
I wish you were my boy(f)riend
Legs (f)or days
I want to be your (f)antasy
When I think about you I touch mysel(f)
Kiss me hard be(f)ore you go
You can (f)ind me @ home