
Hey! Listen! Hey!
Nail biter
100% Sith
He said he was French on his profile.
First day in a new city
He's looking for a hookup, but just for his iPhone 4.
"Momma sweaty"
I love when this shit happens
Just your usual "straight" guy on grindr - also nah u is my fav response
U hung?
So.. only into Asian Republicans who don't like sex?
Every Grindr convo ever.
From /r/Highqualitygifs
It's mine, you can't have it
Who could say no to this?
I was too slow.
Foot in mouth
My WTFgrindr this afternoon.
That headline though ?
Yeah, no.
I'm sorry, what?
Saw this on tumblr
That's gonna be a no...
Predictive text tries helping. I mean, it's not really wrong...
Um.. That's not how this works?
Must be on the wrong app
How could I forget that?
He's not horny af, apparently
Maybe I'm just a little bitter..
This just seems so presumptuous, especially coming from a guy whose head was cropped
Behold the power of a virgin
My Favorite Interaction
I wish I had more than 1 birthday a year too
Next step in human evolution
Where many men have been before..
Butthole is not sexy.
He has a way with words.
Awe, that's so swee- wait.. wait.. well, I guess if it's for a good cause.
Ugh fucking Chad.
Guy tried catfishing me with pics of a friend
What's your worth?
This guy checks all the boxes ✔️