
It's my birthday, toss my salad.
Cat enjoys a late night snack
Turtle catches, drowns, and eats live pigeon
Kangaroo killed by mistimed jump.
A Cape Sundew Plant capturing its meal
Marine iguana doesn't stop fighting for its life when a Galapagos hawk digs its talons
Mother spider triggers her brood's predatory instinct by sacrificing herself; she
Sea Lion tosses fisherman across the deck of a fishing boat
Leopard does a mid-air barrel roll
Hyena with lion's head in its mouth
Majestic Paradise Flycatcher
Polar bears
Leopard surprises a steenbok
Desert spider eats bird alive
Mama bear shows her cub the ropes by thrashing an elk calf.
Weasel drowns a seagull in the ocean.
Racoon is having a meal
Juicy kangaroo steak
Grizzly chasing down a baby bison right in front of the mother
Lappet-faced vulture enjoying some breakfast.
Hyena cornered by African wild dogs
Weasel keeps warm with the fur from a Vole
Giant alligator eating another smaller alligator
This elk got stuck in the rocks
Not sure if this qualifies, but here's an alligator crashing an airboat ride
Nemertea tries to eat hand
Fishing for Piranhas
cats eating a dog
Souls flowing into hell (West Kamokuna lava flow skylight, Hawaii)
The double-muscling phenotype is a heritable condition resulting in an increased
A 4 inch stick went into my dogs eye. Miraculously her eye was saved and she has
Not the most metal thing, but here are some pictures of a Spotted Eagle Ray being
Crab tried to escape from a fish
it's a shark eat shark world
Large cottonmouth pounces on a rattlesnake
White-tailed kite coughs up mouse
Cooper's Hawk Rips Out Heart of Prey
Birds making their home of an unlucky forest animal
Hunting a Fox From an Eagle's POV
Rhino impales warthog that tries to steal food
Alligator crunches doomed turtle
Elephant choke slams alligator
Bird catches mouse and stakes it to a thorn so it can eat it's guts
Praying mantis chomps bee head
Wild dog pulling on a wildebeest tail
Pack of Dogs Cannibalizing a lone dog
Birds eating a dead seal
Yellowstone coyote smeared with elk blood
The size of this crocodile
Wolf carries leftover spine of prey
Hawk in my backyard about to enjoy dinner
Researchers in the Arctic dismayed to find the mother bear they had been tracking
Hawk decapitates a crow
Zebra escapes from a lion attack, but for how long will he survive
Hyena carrying the head of an ACTUAL enemy
Lion brothers after a meal in South Africa