
A pack of hyena eat a pregnant zebra alive.
This offering was left in my backyard
'Tis but a scratch
A Happy Family
NSFW This mouse got stuck in a drain, something came along and made a snack out of
Fallen tree refuses to die and spouts three new trees.
Lions Fight Hyenas over a Kill (in Etosha National Park by NingYu Pao 1500x1000)
Great white pelicans swallowing Cape gannet chicks whole
Elk tries to evade wolf by hiding amongst a herd of bison and gets gored to death.
Praying mantis snatches hummingbird out of the air and begins to devour it
An old bull giraffe ducks an incoming knockout blow and counters with a pinpoint
Gorillas engage in hand to hand combat
The sea is metal too(x/post HeavySeas)
Insane reflexes 2
Nature's ability to create a wall of water can be pretty metal
Always test the water before swimming in Zimbabwe
A sloth bear with a cub fighting off a tiger
Frozen waves
Kissing bug feeding on a human
Sea cucumber expels its own guts to frighten off a threat.
Leopard drops from tree onto impala (x-post from /r/chomps)
Green Lynx Spider lulls a praying mantis into a false sense of security.
Egyptian Mongoose destroys a puff adder
Snake-eagle, Black Mamba and Leopard
How slow and painful this must have been.
Two male gorillas engaging in combat
My tarantula started the year by molting its skin off
Lightning patterns in Australia (x-post from r/gifs)
Fox froze completely after drowning in river
Amazing jerboa reaction
Costa's hummingbird male stabbing a male that is already dead with its bill
A brutal ending.
Snake trying to escape after being eaten
Great tit (Parus major) attack redpoll (Acanthis flammea)
Dinner time
Squirrel Canabalism
Frozen reindeer torn apart by wolves.
Baby bird missing the top of its head due to maggots (still alive).
Murderous butterfly drinking blood
Bloody Hyenas
That 'dead male lion' wasn't actually dead (yet). Only died from its injuries two
Hyena carrying an elephant fetus
Jackal snags a monkey
Eel ties itself into a knot and drags its prey through its body to smash it apart.
Not a promo for The Meg
This buffalo was found yesterday blind after its horns grew into its eyes
This is Clarence, a lion who lost his leg to a poacher's snare. He not only went
An Octopus was eaten by a Rockfish, which was in turn eaten by a Ling Cod.
African wild dogs dig up and tear apart a rabbit
Leopard seal biting down on a penguin’s head so hard its eyeball pops out
Pack of African wild dogs eat a Waterbuck alive
Hyena carrying the severed head of a lioness.
Sand cat eating a snake.
Garter snake eating a leopard frog alive!
Hippo surives (for now) part of it's face ripped off in an encounter with another