
When your mom embarrasses you in public
When your friends doesn't want to admit they farted
When you and your friends are trying to make a pyramid.
When your Brandon Stark game is strong.
Just relax, bro!
when you tell your friend that your back hurts and he gives you a massage
Sexy Ass
Nice sexy girl
When you're helping you're buddy find his contact lens and you see it!
When your roommate puts his shit in your room instead of his
Teaching a bro
Trump Holding a Bat While Pence Watches in Glee
dans asthma
just making sure those jeans won't slip off
when your thoughtful bud helps you tie your shoes
Charlie the bitter
when someone takes out a splinter from your foot
when you've been bit by a snake, and your friend must sick the poison out of you're
LPT: Don't resist a burglary
Such a hard decision
When your visiting Italy with your bestie
Don't pretend to be a music lover if you don't know who this is
When it's not body lotion you are rubbing into your body
A minimalist, no special effects remake of Inception
We all need help sometimes /s
Firefox all the way
When the wind tells you it’s a top with a 10 inch dick
What's this; porn for ants?!
MRW I'm jackhammering the floor without air conditioning on a hot summer day and
there goes date night..
I'm hungry
When Your Parents Try And Pull You Out Of Bed But You Wanna Go Back To Sleep
Fuck my leg is numb
When you binge on Star Wars and cheer for the Galactic Empire to win
"TRobin Hood lowers the curtain, hiding the sacks where he put the treasure.
Thanks bro
Better safe than sorry
I dont think those are the cakes hes supposed to be baking...
I can’t wait to go back to the barber. ?
I love my bros
Tease me, squeeze me, please me (f)
BendHme over...please
Too Much...!
Deleted scene of Sam and Bucky fighting John Walker on TFATWS
I ❤️ neck massages ?‍♂️
When your bro tells a joke and you both crack up
The sound of music ?