
Foreign Swedes
Captain Swede
Sweden in 2030
Fucking antisemites.
Stories from FPH: "I had to clean a room of a disgusting hamplanet at my hotel"
They're coming America... are you ready?
Thin privilege is not having your girlfriend be grossed out by your shit stains
Remember demotivational posters? They were stupid. This one isn't.
Is being white a choice?
The definition of rape has changed.
The military member who sacrifices the most is the army wife
McDonalds is once again in deep water
What's your thoughts on this new campaign?
My boy 50 meets Social Justice
Guest I can't say "you're the best" anymore on reddit
Black history month, little known fact
Thanks Starbucks!
White woman sees black gentleman stealing.
White knight fucks up in front of M'lady
The r/Europe guide to Europe
Anita Sarkeesian in one image
Salon: Take more Muslim Refugees after the Paris attacks to make them feel more welcome
Social justice warrior accuses a black man of not really being white after he said
All I need to say.
/r/politics mods censoring refugee crisis threads, sabotaging open discussion
A feminist's talking vagina
Proof Breivik was Right
True diversity.
13% of the US population and growing
The rights of others are offensive! We demand you restrict them!
Newspaper publishes openly racist against whites (imagine the outcry if the races
Every vote is equal to this dumbass
Reverse rape
Downvoted in /r/politics for pointing out their hypocrisy
French GirlĀ®
Remember a vote for Shillary is a vote for child rape.
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews. The quotes in the book are
Jewish Double Standards on Miscegenation
Equality = Patriarchy
Stand tall. Stand strong. Stand with Bernie.
SJW Defends Brown Skinned Persons from Blame
Rape In A Politically Correct Country
[Very Offensive] Good boy gunned down by thugs
That's my "Well of course he is ..." moment for the day.
Just leaving this here...
Tough Choice
This Live Tweet - #MiloSD
Muslim redditor explains how Radical Islam "is a Muslim problem, and the root
We Wuz Kangs
A Puppet Show
The Perfect Response to #AsianPrivilege
point them to the nearest rooftop