
So gross, yet so poppable (x-post /r/spacedicks)
Badly placed zit! [NSFW] (not mine)
Post-op, cyst removed from my scrotum
NSFW...my penis has a bump on its foreskin, does anyone know what this is??
Shaved over a zit on my penis and had a bloody surprise
What is this?  Zit, Pimple, Ingrown Hair, Staph?
Cysts on my balls. After it was drained I thought it was missing something.nsfw
Too bad it isn't a video :( (x-post from r/WTF)
My first time dealing with this. Uh..warning-butthole.
Figured this belonged here
My sisters Kellie...
Found this little pimple on my shaft while shaving[NSFW]
Can any of you help me?
So I pulled this out of my arm today...[nsfw]
Trying to convince my boyfriend to get this checked out ASAP. Think it's staph?
[NSFW] some gross ingrown hairs and a weird cyst/hole thing above my yaya. please
Always happens a couple days after I shave, any advice?
Can anyone tell me what this is?
I grew a 3rd testical! [NSFW]
A hair got tangled and tightly wrapped around a tiny part of my labia.
**Very NSFW** Vaginal extraction of human parasite ca. 40 weeks after symptoms first
Got this fucker on my shaft (NSFW)
you guys are the experts so i post it here and ask what is that on my anus, cyst?
What are these
What is this thing on my butthole?! Can I kill it with fire? (NSFW) Warning: Hairy
This guy is growing right now. NSFW (pubes)
Man's stitches rip open after open heart surgery (this one is graphic guys... Have
[NSFW] So I had this fucker growing in my skin right by my nipple. Finally got it
Tonsil sludge
Bump on penis
Soft Palate Cyst Removal with Money Shot (x-post /r/SurgeryGifs)
Deep ingrown hair from my zit
[NSFW] WTF is growing on my ass?
Can anyone identify these bumps?
Stress ball
Nit sure if this is the right sub for this, but my cyst has been removed finally.
NSFW Reddit how??? I felt it mid toilet session..
(NSFW) I'm not sure where else I'd put this, but I'm not sure what this is. A cyst?
Can anyone tell me what this is? It's on my bikini line and I've had ingrown hairs
NSFW - YEAH going to the dr tomorrow. A cyst(?) Is blue near the boothole. It. Fucking.
This was taken out of my head today! Pilar cyst, 3.5 cm long!
This rapidly grew, any idea on what it could be?
Having such a bad reaction to a new razor. There's so many. NSFW
So I had some bladder stones removed...
The hole I was left with after I got my Pilonidal Cyst removed