
Nevus on breast NSFW
Carbuncle in a rather inconvenient spot (NSFW)
What is this?
[NSFW] Fellow poppers of Reddit, please help me identify these "pimples"
My before and after photos of my abscess that was lanced. (X-post from wtf)
Nsfw it is so hard and it got a bit of a head after i squeezed it for a while, nothing
Scar from stitches has a mild infection under it. NSFW
Pulled this sucker out of my nose. Mixture of snow mucus.
Anyone know what this is? (not really NSFW-ish)
[NSFW] I have these bumps or pimps all over my penis! anything I can do or try to
Any ideas what this is? blister or something else; it's right on a huge stretch mark.
Had surgery yesterday for an infection on the back of my neck. Scar tissue wouldn't
Wtf is this thing? How do I get rid of it?
[Nsfw] Look what I grew on my ass today.
What are these itchy bumps on boyfriend's testicles? (NSFW)
NSFW, booty cheek. Nothing comes out, is it ready yet?
Been there for a month... bugger wont budge.
I thought it was just that one little hair...
Scooping out a strawberry (x-post /r/oddlysatisfying)
Had this on my inner thigh, I did record!
Has been bothering me for a few days now. Haven't been able to get anything out.
What is on my ballsack?
Could anyone enlighten me on what this might be [NSFW]
This is what happens every time my best friend waxes [NSFW]
My ingrowing toe nail I'm getting removed today. ( update #1) The first look since
Boil guts.
Wtf is this on my peepee? [NSFW]
Can anybody ID this? [nsfw]
Slightly NSFW. On the inside of my left thigh. About an inch away from my Who-Ha.
bump on my inner/upper thigh, near my bikini zone, hurts like the dickens slightly
[NSFW] shaved my pubic area. Weird bump shows up. STDs have been ruled out. Any ideas?
(NSFW) My punishment for shaving with a cheap razor
What started as an ingrown hair...nsfw
16 year old sisters pilodinal cyst. Surgery tomorrow. Wish i was there to see it!
What are these?
6 teeth extracted
Since we are doing boobs. Here is mine.
This one is gonna hurt like a bitch
[NSFW] Help on how to drain this? It hurts like hell.
Quick little sideboob zit [Maybe NSFW?]
Wart on my palm. Did I get the root? Or do I need to keep digging? ?
My Pilondial Cyst (NSFW)
[nsfw] Ingrown pubic hair
Is this an ingrown hair? Above my hooha. Doesn't hurt unless I squeeze real hard
I managed to pull the whole sac out of the cebaceous cyst on my man bits. It had
[NSFW] Woke up to this very painful bump on my inner thight. Anyone know what it
r/HidradenitisAIP; I experiment on myself to help others learn how to manage Hidradenitis
The Full WeirdToeLady chronicles!
NSFW Under Boob Lump/Sore
This is not my content. My wife found this on Imgur. Had to post here.
NSFW Found this in r/comics original link in comments
Smashed my toe moving my dogs crate. Should I peel it? Possibly nsfw (bloody smashed
Any idea what this is? Feels like something is in it and it hurts to mess with.
Right booty cheek.. Sprayed red, brown and yellow all over my wife's leg!