
Agent Garrett's message to SHIELD
In a promo from Marvel's Agent of Shield preview in Facebook
Pretty brutal slam on "Agents of SHIELD" during a segment last night on
Comic Con promo for Agents of SHIELD
[Spoilers] Cleaned up the image and uncropped to get the full meaning of "TAHITI"
I feel like we might be getting a lot of this from Raina and Daisy in the second
Spider-Man risking his life in SHIELD #3...
A little late. Potential spoilers for Winter Soldier and that era Shield. Also, a
Meet the McTraitorsons #spoilers #sorrynotsorry
That one time SHIELD agent Daisy Johnson helped the Avengers. (Can't remember issue#)
[Speculation] Clark Gregg on Twitter: "The day SHIELD fell, tonight on #agentsofshield"
*SPOILERS* Quake was awesome but this was by far the coolest moment in the show last
[Spoiler] Coulson's SHIELD had decent resources, but for sure not enough. Bet Olmost
Gordon from Agents of SHIELD is NOT SPOILERS
Fitzsimmons and the Toolbox
[NSFW] Asians of Shield
The truth about Cal [no spoilers]
[Spoiler] This Trio is gonna rule the show!
[Spoiler] And the /r/shield "Cutest Moment of the season" Award goes to...
The reunited family
[SPOILER] Was the [SPOILER] from AoU also featured in the very first episode of Agents
[SPOILERS S02E19] Goodnight, sweet prince...
[SPOILERS S02E20] Disney - It's All Connected
[NO SPOILERS] Skye getting a talking-to from the Captain...
[SPOILERS. S2E22] Shield, Season 3
[SPOILER S02E22] "I'm the guy who kills..."
[SPOILER S02E22] In an alternate universe exists this happy family.
[spoilers] So that's what Koenig was looking at
[Spoilers] is it time to Update?
First look at Lash in Agents of SHIELD season 3
'50th Anniversary of SHIELD - Quake' comic has an interesting new character... [SPOILER]
[SPOILER] [S3E01] SHIELD really needs to hire a better sketch artist
[SPOILER] Agents of SHIELD comic may had spoilered Fitz\Simmons future.
[SPOILER] Dammit Jemma. S03E03
[Spoiler S03E04] The tension is real
My wife had a bad dream last night.
[season 1 spoilers] I was upset that there weren't a synopsis on this sub. Criticism
Best exchange of dialog on AoS (Mild spoiler S3E8)
[Minor Jessica Jones ep1 spoiler] Connection to SHIELD?
(Spoiler Season 3) They really had everything planned..
How I feel after this, and every SHIELD episode.
Clarke Gregg was totally trolling us with his post before last nights episode. Well
[S3E10] Last night's real unsung hero.
Hulu spoils literally every major twist in episode 10.
[SPOILER]From Agents of Shield twitter
Let us pay homage to SHIELD's former greatest spy and master of disguise.
[Spoilers] Daredevil Easter Egg in Agents of SHIELD trailer
(Spoilers) Can't believe he grew up to be a shield agent.
[SPOILER[maybe]] Possible ending for Season 3 spotted on Facebook. I like it
Haven't seen this being pointed out here yet... the shipment with (spoiler) has a
There was a lot of talk about purposes this season finale.... (Spoilers!)
Hive's breakfast
(Spoilers) Not sure if this showing up on Brett Dalton's IMDB was intentional or
I know it's only been one episode but I'm already missing this guy
[SPOILER] Agents of SHIELD season 5 promotional photo