
[Spoilers] I noticed some familiar symbols. (S01E04+S01E11)
This image from a 60's Nick Fury comic seems appropriate now.
[TWS SPOILERS] I hope Ep 20 is just a backdoor pilot for ...
33:55 of Episode 4 - "Eye Spy" (Spoilers for Ep 22?)
I also got Director Coulson's update
[SPOILERS] All I could think about during that climax...
[spoiler] [spoiler] [ultra spoiler] Dat eye
[spoiler]Fitz and Simmons: A crisis can either drive you apart or push you together
Trip likes Lindsey Stirling
[SPOILER] I thought this was necessary...
The only thing I was thinking during this scene [2X13 SPOILERS]
[Spoiler S02E14] Anyone else think of a certain Marvel superhero team when they saw
[Spoiler] Quality family time
[SPOILER] The REAL Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. So say we all!
[Spoilers Season 2] My friend is just finishing up his binge.
Clark Gregg on the Gram: The Day S.H.I.E.L.D. Fell
[SPOILER] Coulson and The Toolbox from "Love In The Age Of Hydra" HD Screen
[Spoiler] Team bonding activity: Movie night
[Possible but unlikely spoiler] Rereading Clark Gregg's AMA. Dammit, now I'm excited.
[Spoiler S02E08] Cal literally wanted to be reunited with his family in the "Afterlife."
[SPOILERS S02E19] Something Skye said to Raina just...inspired me.
Theta Protocol in all its glory
[Minor Spoiler] Fitz does his best Jesse Pinkman impression
[Spoilers]Agents of CLOSURE
I started re-watching Season 1 with my sister when I noticed this in E04- Eye Spy.
Grant Ward is doing just fine on Battleworld. (Issue 001 of "hail Hydra.")
First Look at Lash
[Spoiler][S03E02] I just realized what the pool Ronan emerges from in GoTG might
[Possible Spoilers] Can anyone identify Rosalind's Car?
She's like a female Coulson!
Ward's face when... [spoilers]
[SPOILERS?] As if May's face couldn't get any scarier when she's angry... This happened
[S03E07] "I am The Cure."
(S1 Spoilers) S1 E8 Synopsis: Randolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
[S1 Spoilers] Had been rewatching S1 when I thought why don't they use this gadget
Ward kicking ass
Hydra's big revelation
[spoilers s030e8] EVERYONE ELSE: oh shiiiiiiiiiit---- LINCOLN: what the hap is fuckening
I think the Upvote Bot thinks that I'm Ward
[Spoiler S3E10] He is very persistent.
[SPOILERS] So I am reading Universe X and I came across this panel of "IT".
[S3/E10 Spoilers] Did someone ask for Sponge Bob/Hydra mash-up wallpaper?
Sorry for the delay! S3E12 Synopsis: The Genosha Initiative
(Spoilers) S3E13 Synopsis: Marvel's Most Wanted
[SPOILERS for 3x15] (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[Spoiler] I liked this a little better than the text
[Spoilers] Hive looked just like I expected him to
[SPOILER S03E22] Quake in action
[S03 Spoilers] He likes animals too...
[Spoilers] S4E2 Synopsis: Ghost in the Hell
That twist (new episode spoilers)