
This one is starting early
WAATGM Mod explains why being a virgin spinster has an expiration date and why it's
The men I fancy don't fancy me. The men I don't fancy, fancy me. After 15 years of
Wanting her vag to be tight is disgusting misogyny! Reeeeeee! ?????
Men way above my league have occasionally used me as a suckpuppet. Dating is unfair
[25F] "All my friends who have used online dating apps had little to no success.
Her 20's were full of bad things that "just happened to her". Will her
Let's be honest, the man ain't the only person lying here, Religious girl!
Had to repost because you idiots kept looking her up to harass her. DO NOT GO LOOKING
Dear spinsterhood cysturhood, am I too damaged to ever find a man?
Are they telling on themselves and/or admitting defeat?
She was married, she divorced her husband, she was burned by fuckbois, she's working
She wants to remain a stryng, indypyndynt, carousel rider forever. But she turned
33/F: Why am I invisible to older men? Is it my education? I bet it's because of
30/F, Train Wreck, gets advice and affirmation from other train wrecks.
This girl stalking a Chad she matched on Tinder and cannot forget him and move on.
37F Why don't men chase me anymore?
Need a husband that doesn't fuck. Already have the receipt for that
Aaaand he dumps her, sorry for acting kinda sus.
Being single is nice because it gives her induhpyndynce, but what if she's the meatbag
Post Wall woman wants a relationship because everyone else is married.
How old are you? That is a REAL long list of demands from someone that has nothing
When she has a kid, an STD, and Tyrone's not in the picture.
At least she is honest...but how long until she will whine: "There are no good
35F KWEEEEN is ready for a serious relationshit. She's now too old to be a FWB. Please
"I am a single mother in my 30's. I lost my job during the pandemic and I [sell
Curvy mother of 4 seeks good guy to spend her life with
"Too old for games, too young to settle for less than 100%"
Short and precise...
Coming soon to a dating app near you.
The audacity of these women: "Almost 40 year old divorced mom of 2 is now at
35F, a born again woman of Christ is hhopeless, finally sick and tired of playing
33F single mother looking for a goodman to trear her like a queen
If God softened Pharaoh's heardened heart, there is a possibility that this christian
Lonely leftover 34F wonders the age old and old age wonder - where is Mr Right who
Sitting at only 5'4" - 40 year old Miss Piggy demands you be at least 5'9"
I'm the definition of leftovers. Maybe I'm just meant to be lonely forever...
A little long in the tooth and still swinging for the fences! What's the over/under
The absurdity of marginalizing nice behavior is most clearly seen when women are
Newly-minted 30 year old left her long-term relationship for something better and
“If your not offering to help with cash, you don’t give a damn about me”
Stop treating women like sex objects! Also here’s my cash app and Venmo
It's so hard being a drunk, fat single mom who $o want$ to $tart a traditional family
41 year old single mother of two looking to settle down with her "wingman for
33 year old stay at home mom with children wants to make new friiiieeeends! ??
Undesired lonely woman tried to drown her sorrows in alcohol, then she realized that
Miles past the wall, this self-proclaimed catch has everything you want in a woman,
This +35-40yo mum is having hard time to find the alphabetachad, a man with masculine
I have a double chin get over it
No sperm donor needed (anymore)!
Chronic CC Rider wants something real. She's gone on 20+ dates, fucks guys, then
Why does nobody want to marry me?
No the man kissing me is NOT my boyfriend... DUH... How dumb could you men BE!? ?