
I say I want a nice guy, but instead I have been picking the challenging ones.
If she walked the talk she wouldn't be a single mom
Don't Objectify Women; they want to do it themselves
This ex-homeless mom who loves men that don't want to have sex and wouldn't mind
Anyone know why this active, open-minded, smart, genuine, happy, introspective, 32F
she hit the wall
Morally superior 34F virgin spinster asks: why do the evil nasty men feel entitled
Happy Father's day gentlemen. She's currently accepting applications. Please insert
She's been dating for 15+ years. She wasn't interested in any of the men who fancied
26 with 3 kids. Wants a MAN, not a boy. Specifically, a man that is willing to come
Too late for introspection - Another victim of 3rd-wave feminism
Dream on cysturs... hypergamous dreams always see greener grass on the other side
Uhu... sounds plausible... that must be the reason you couldn't find anyone in the
Applies to be a tissue. Is used to wipe up cum. Is upset for being flushed down the
Just trying to reel in a good fish with her blown out net.... ?
All these demands and not a single word about what she has to offer. It's no wonder
to many rude assholes
F/42 She gets matches but no messages. It can't be her age, can it?
She's overweight with a kid, but you need to look like a professional soccer player
? Please shed a tear for this 33F who is starting to give up on ever finding a husband
The old schrodinger's leftover pussy debate. Why is it soooooo hard for a middle
"WhAtEvEr HaPpEnEd To CoUrTsHiP?!"..."check out my OnlyFans!"
Uh oh.... she's about to turn 30, her friends already found love, but she's all alone.....
That's it! I'm 32 and no one wants to build anything with me. Time to get off the
Alpha gal is seeking out an Alpha Man. Form an orderly line gents.
Karen [48-F] is not interested in ONS, just interested in finding Succesful King
Sure thing young lady, you still have plenty of time to get married before you turn
Delusional 46 year old (at best 2/10) has huge list of demands for her next victim
She seems like a nice girl.
So hurt. Men keep cheating on me, rejecting me and choosing other women over me.
TwoX uses Trump to complain about how dangerous their poor dating choices are. Fortunately
Hot pregnant mom is looking for someone to step up and be a dad.
36 year old Christian single mom to an AmAzIng 7-month yr old spawn of Chad. Likes
Must be cute, rich, or have some serious Chad-Shark game to smash. Whatever it is
37 year old single mom with 5 kids is looking for a provider.
Cats now come first? Deal with it guys!
[40-F] asks if it will be possible to find a blue pilled Chad Thundercock
Just a WAATGM Sunday Special
Single mom is done getting cheated on and now wants a good guy to love her and her
We were compatible in many ways but weren't looking for the same thing in life, so
[+45] a master degree in ambiguity is looking for chad but that is not a chad, likes
[39-F] Post-wall still-single "old school woman" is not worthy of you if
Ladies, this is what the profiles we run into would look like to you.
Hypergamous wymyns refuses to lower her standards, to settle with a mere mortal man.