
Apparently the uterus connects directly to the stomach [x-post from /r/trashy]
I know it's based on a cartoon, but hentai feels like cheating when it comes to this
Belly button vagina
This woman's body just doesn't look right..
[NSFW] How do they even ninja?
Breaking news: NASA has discovered the first recorded instance of extraterrestrial
Do you like my balloons Anon-kun?
You can't pee with tampons in, it locks up the gears.
Women need to orgasm to get pregnant
"Your dick is too small if you don't stab her lungs!" -r/Braincels
Bad women's anatomy + Racism. What could go wrong?
[Satire] Someone gets it!
Found this shared by an obviously clueless man I went to high school with posted
You will literally sprout a new vagina (and vulva and clitoris and labia)
Thought this would fit well here
[NSFW] Torso for daayss
I opened up Steam and this was under "New and Trending"
Before you are allowed to enter the #1 Rated 18+ Game we need to ask a couple of
Always check your crevice!
I swear they're about 9ft tall and have broken hips
I don’t know what’s worse, the tweet or the reply.
We lay eggs and secrete gases, apparently (x post fro r/insanepeoplefacebook
I don't think that's how it works...
Found in r/DankMemes
WHUT ? 0_o
The longer I look the more I see.
Evolutionary adaptations promote more vigorous and plentiful orgasms
In a discussion about abortion rights...
Well apparently fucking a lot should make it easy to get DP'ed... Good to know! And
Found this on braincels. Apparently it's in a woman's nature to be a "whore".
That's some serious sideboob...
The vagina looks stuck on
I’m tired, y’all.
Shocking how uneducated some women are. This poor expecting mother was clearly never
Translation: "They declared that a woman can only have two to three orgasms
Because women hit their prime while they’re still children
The labia monster gets startled when you poke it's urethra
Just another mobile game ad
Girldick is stored in the nips
Women don’t have the hole in the penis i.e the urethra!!!!
Women have arm hair
Found on Facebook
Scrape the fetus out of the vagina
How does visceral fat effect your vagina? Please explain???
boobs good
I think they nailed the female anatomy on this one.
I felt sorry for myself because I had no pants, until I met the lady who had no ass.
Does this qualify for being on here?
Does he realize it's not a hole?
This gem my fiancé found on Facebook... what?
Not clear on the concept...
Women are never wanting sex!
Do you even photoshop?
"Pussy Crumbs"
Downloaded whisper. Immediately deleted whisper.
Found on facebook
Don’t you know when the fetus poops you poop too?