
"Women can reproduce without the assistance of males."
Found in the portapotty at the jobsite, couldn't help but critique their figure drawing
"When you a hoe..." Saw this on IG
Was told this sub would like this. Seen on my Facebook.
To be fair, I think this is badmensanatomy too. Mildly NSFW.
Saw this going around Facebook
This H scene is so bad I'm actually offended.
More period nonsense
Babies come from period blood
Break her neck, eat her pussy!!! ???‍♂️????
This manga cover. [NSFW]
My boyfriend sent me this. Apparently we have a black hole between our boobs that
how to make a pickle [Mysogynatomy]
ever wondered how to measure how tight your vagina is? well look no further~!
Tumors for tummies
A user posts artwork on behalf of a "friend" who's looking for advice on
I'm....pretty sure this is badtranswomensanatomy but it's so physically impossible
Found on a bad tattoos page. Where is her torso?
Not sure if this was posted here already, but I... a friend sent me this today
Wearing jeans cause transgender kids
Wearing a bra causes your boob ligaments to atrophy.
You’d think a woman would know how their bodies work
I found the girl from all that fan art
Posted on Facebook with the caption "I keep it bald cause I'm tight and proud".
Don't waste your eggs ladies!
Because you aren’t a real woman unless you can hold objects with your breasts
"Pretty sure" pee and babies come out the same hole
So that’s why kids stutter!
Squeezing boobs make them saggy
I will piss on everything this person loves
Every girl’s dream
Torpedo tits
No nipples is the new beauty standard?
Even though this is a joke, it still makes me angry
Rob Liefeld just really got what the female form is all about.
A 25 year old virgin in my Paramedic class sent me this via Snap in the middle of
A life-saving hysterectomy is required but insurance doctor won't approve because
I'll take "People who never have and never will bring another human being to
Looking for left tampon
An Assortment of Holes
A friend showed me this job posting, because apparently "Females" need
"-they ONLY give life to 2 or 3 children, fOr CoNvEnIeNcE." I never expected
"I'll take 'Things that don't Belong on Facebook' for $200 Alex"
That's not how I remember her.
Wtf is happening with her torso/back??
Found one in the wild, gals. On a medical subreddit, none the less.
The L in LGBTQ stands for lack of tiddy
NSFW Lots of dudes thinking they’re hilarious
Simply spread your labia to pee, ladies.
That's.... not where it's supposed to be
Someone about why Khloe Kardashian's boyfriend is cheating on her
This ain't it, chief
Answer: Clearly bigger than your brain.
'only people who ejaculate are males' ?
[John K. Pe-ta] Wakuwaku One-sans
what was this movie called again? lol
Quora Wisdom
Seen on a comment about a broken arm