
Yep. I'm sure that was the result of many a McNugget
TIL black men can "shoot their seed directly into your womb"
This made me laugh....
She’s bending over backwards for him
I hope to fucking God no man sees or uses this and thinks that this is possible from
Mileage chart. That's not how it works.
Slutty cupcakes
Rock climbing and boobs
Apparently, the vagina is a vacuum...
Her Arm Looks Like It’s Coming From Her leg
Found this on r/braincels. Apparently women get orgasms from killing brown people.
Lord help us
[Humour] A sharpener can have many pencils, but you sharpen a pencil too many times...
Ouch! NSFW
Faster than a speeding bullet
I accept your premise, I'm just asking a simple question
When you take opposing the myth about vaginal sensitivity too far and go back into
I love Paladins but sometimes the fanart is just... no
New meaning to sideboob
The incels was out in force in that thread
Found on a video about the Diva cup
"Rape is fine if it's warm"
That's one strong vajooter. ??
Boobs are nothing but cones slapped haphazardly somewhere on the torso, right?
My virgin friend hitting me with a very mundane yet still incorrect view of the female
Vaginal and anal orgasms don't exist
A friend just posted this...
That Skeleton.
“Conforming Vaginas” also 2 for the price of one.
Gaping Hole
Saw this in the wild: Period Tracker= Slut
I’m looking at you, artists who try to draw female superheroes
[TW: Abortion] Things sent to local politicians via twitter are always a great source
It’s where now?
"Rape is usually the woman's fault. Also, please vote for me."
On a post about gendered earplugs
A few mins of unsupported running will RUIN a woman.
Incubators. The lot of you.
Good manga anatomy! This manga has a lot of characters that actually look normal
Ladies, have you ever wondered how pubic hair relates to personality types? This
Fascinated uterus
I'm an erotica model. Men come up with the craziest reasons, when they to try and
Men control the women with their brains!
Petition to make Ben Shapiro, the king of bad women’s anatomy, the icon for this
Follow up to my last post... so good!
Found on an article about tampon tax
Apparently boobs get boners now? Am so confused
Received this via WhatsApp. I can’t even.
Toilet body part
Do ads count? Take these pills to turn your boobs into pure muscle!
That's not how it works.....
Boobs aren't balls
Random Twitter-user fat-shames a sportscaster because eating more will make her baby
On a post that asked "what would you do if you woke up the opposite gender"
I saw this in a chisaii hentai subreddit. The fact that everything is proportioned
Caption says "Basic biology" I don't even know where to start with this.
When pushing heterosexuality is so important you start just making shit up (this